Here's my Picture:
Why do people hate me because I am so beautiful? I think people are just so jealous of my looks. They are jealous because I have a wonderful boyfriend, and they are jealous that I work at Abercrombie & Fitch. Everyone wants to work at Abercrombie, and the one's who don't (can't) envy the one's who do. Thankfully I have many wonderful friends, but there are still so many people that hate me because of who I am. Being beautiful, smart and wealthy is something many people don't have. Maybe those that don't have that should stop being jealous and try to get that.
So why do these ugly, low life people have to hate me because I am beautiful and successful? Don’t you agree that people who are poor and ugly should stop hating the successful people, and maybe get their act together and try to be successful and maybe get some plastic surgery?
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Other - Beauty & Style