The deeply secretive cause of our failures, diseases, depression & negative energy
Guilt is the bridge between anger and depression. It is one of the most dangerous and serious emotions and the least known by our conscious mind. Guilt is like a micro bug in the rug, which is so small that it is invisible and chases our soul for many lives. Guilt is the commonest emotion which most of us carry most of our life yet we are not even aware of it. It's there but you don¢t feel it. It's very much inside you and your soul fields circling around your body are tainted with guilt yet we cannot see this negative energy. It is like a residual of foods, drugs, medicines held up for years in the physical system, causing infinite diseases yet we just don¢t care, ignoring it, thinking you cant do anything about it and make yourself sicker by ingesting all possible chemicals. Isn't it easier to just remove those residuals? Guilt is residual of soul.
If subconscious mind is ever visualized by deep internal gazing, you will find that guilt resides on its linings and interiors like words in a book. Guilt makes us feel bad, liable, sinful, wicked, wrong, culpable, shy, evil, self hating and unworthy and if not released it becomes an engine of power that derails all your plans, forces you to depress your living energy, suffocating you and taking away your natural growth. Guilt is the bi-product of holding anger for a great period of time against someone and something that it turns against us. Guilt can manifest as weight increase, cause cancer, nervousness, anxiety and various disorders.
Guilt is an attempt to correct, make appropriate and right today for something wrong we did in past. People make us feel guilty for controlling us or to hurt us. The accumulation of any form of guilt, current, of past or future, inhibits and shrinks your soul in such a way that you keep creating negative programming to your subconscious mind and soul forever.
Guilt programming of your current life is easier to understand, study, analyze and ultimately de-programmed it but guilt of past lives, carried forwarded and accumulated on your soul's debit and credit account; can be rather tough nut to deal with. We will deal with this major life decreasing emotive phenomenon next and find out the solutions & remedies to make your life much lighter.
To understand and eradicate guilt from our system requires that we should know what guilt is and how this powerful negative emotion creates havoc on our soul. Guilt is not produced by our enemies but our own selves. It's our own creative energy, which changes its color from negative to positive. Guilt can come from our own impulsive actions, closest relations to people we have never seen. Guilt emanate from one incident yesterday to recurring events in day-to-day life felt with parents, mates, children, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Literature, arts or merely comparing, observing and feeling deeply can trigger it.
Cumulative Guilt can be from our karmic actions of several past lives and we may be paying for that in this life in very bizarre formats and relations. Piled up Guilt is a never-ending tunnel where you keep walking in dark without ever seeing light. Before you start feeling guilty of not understanding what guilt is lets see what exactly is guilt.
You as an individual interact with other beings in this and other worlds. Even though we are not told, we do have some responsibilities, duties and commitments. Most of the time we don't know our limits, capacity and possibilities but we must fulfill our duties. During this course, we become scared, afraid, insecure, greedy, indecisive, lazy, indulged and out of sheer weakness & anxiety, we act, say and behave in manners, not appropriate of us, once words are uttered, actions done nothing can be undone.
If you try to recall past years, you see that many things you said and did were not of your true nature and worthiness but you simply were taken away by your behavior, emotional environment of your mind, that you lamented later, felt remorse and said oh I wish I had not said or done that. Then there are so many unfilled desires, dreams, frustrations, disabilities and limitations that did not let you do things you wanted to do. So there are things you did and others you could not do but you kept them intact in your mind. Then there were others who hurt, trampled, used, stabbed-in-back, ditched and cheated you, but you were unable to react yet you did not forget those feelings of hurt etc. by storing them in your mind to deal with later.
However we forget to deal with these stored emotions and in beginning these are just small things but over the years they start inflating like balloons and these feelings reside in our inner being, as a rancid food-oil or stale food in refrigerator; that we forgot to clean. You do know that you have these foul feelings inside but you don't do anything. The result: you alter your behavior. We shout, yell or beat the wrong or innocent person, start cheating, hurting, damaging others, indulge in harsh talk, get angry suddenly, spoil our mood, feel distaste for everything and behave in the most aggressive way possible yet we don't really touch our inner feelings. This is what guilt is.
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