I know that humans are nothing but a lump of cells, organic matter, and DNA. Some even say that the only reason why we think and feel the way we do is due to evolution. Those are the cold hard scientific facts are our existence. What is, is what is.
Yet, I feel that humans are so much more and we are a result of something so much more. It is very easy to diminish a human being down to his/her scientific details. I can do that at my job. One glance at a patient's chart and that is all there is; a collection of lab reports, toxicology exams, psych, evaulations, objective progress reports, and so on. Yet a patient says "We are not treating them like a human". Well, you are your chart. Your chart doesn't care about your happiness or sadness. It just tells them the scientific facts about you. Nothing else is nessecary.
So why do people say that there is nothing but the scientific truth, but in acuality want people to see them as so much more? So what is the more for yo
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Religion & Spirituality