BUSH Pardons Libby – LIBS outraged
CLINTON Pardons Marc Rich – LIBS completely SILENT
Clinton awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Yugoslavia – LIBS say nothing...
Bush awards Halliburton no-bid contract in Iraq – LIBS Cry Foul...
Bush’s dad helps him get into Yale where he is a C student – What an idiot, LIBS say
Gores DAD helps him get into Harvard where gets worse grades than Bush. Bush also has better grades than Kerry at Yale – LIBS have no problem! Just egg on their face!
Clinton dodges draft, does not serve at ALL – Who cares LIBS say
Bush spends 5 years in Guard flying Jets until HONORABLE discharge – BAD
Jack Abramoff circumvents campaign finance laws - LIBS outraged! Just Outraged!
Norman HSU does the same to line Hillary's pockets - CRICKETS............
Bush is ALLEGED, not proven, to have done Cocaine in his youth – BAD
Obama ADMITS being a junky and Coke user in College – Who Cares LIBS say
24 answers
asked by
PNAC ~ Penelope