We share 50/50 custody with my husbands 7year old daughter. We have been the only parents involved in any and all school and sports activities for the past 3 years. Her mother has never met her teachers, not once and our daughter has been asked to be retained in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades due to slow learning skills. She was diagnosed 2X (we got a 2nd opinion from another psychiatrist) and both doctor's requested she be medicated. They both also said she will continue to struggle in school and without meds this can be detrimental to her socially, emotionally & academically. However, we cannot legally medicate her without her mom's consent. We've asked her mom to attend all the meetings with the teachers and doctors for the past 3 years, but she hasn't shown up to one. Whenever we suggest some type of therapy or retention in school, she refuses to oblige. We are concerned and are consdering getting an attorney to mandate medication therapy and full custody. We want her to succeed.
5 hours ago - 1 week left to answer.
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We also know her mother does not do her homework with her and does not check it so there is inconsistency between our homes. Her mother takes medications (Prozac, Zanax) so it seems inconceivable to us why she's oppositional on this matter. We also know her moms boyfriend is an alcoholic and drinks every night. She has even witnessed physical abuse between the two if them. One more thing, she lives in a home with her mom, 3 other siblings, the boyfriends parents and the boyfriends brother and girlfriend. 9 ppl in a 1600 sq ft home. It's ridiculous. These are additional reasons we are seeking full custody, not just the ADD/ADHD factor.
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