[45.26] Say: Allah gives you life, then He makes you die, then will He gather you to the day of resurrection wherein is no doubt, but most people do not know.
[45.30] Then as to those who believed and did good, their Lord will make them enter into His mercy; that is the manifest achievement.
[45.31] As to those who disbelieved: What! were not My communications recited to you? But you were proud and you were a guilty people.
Evolution Theory
Muslims are not united on the theory of evolution. There is evidence for both arguments but there is almost complete agreement that man was created as man and did not evolve. Ali Al-Musawi is entitled to his views. –Webmaster Shadow Caster
The theory of evolution states that we are not created but have evolved from monkeys and lower life forms from which we have developed through random mutations in our DNA. If we take this to be a fact, then is there still not the question of “Who created the first life form?”. So, the evolution theory doesn’t explain-away the concept of there being a God at all. Since Darwin suggests that we came into existence by a natural process through nature; if we compare nature to a machine that makes other machines we can see, like all machines, there needed to be an intelligent designer who created the first machine able to make other machines.
There are things within us that are beyond the evolution theory which Darwin suggests. These things are contrary to his theory because they make us less likely to survive. These things are moral inclinations. Things like bringing others before ourselves, or helping another person and saving another persons’ life even when we know that we may die in the process, and feelings like guilt and shame which are an inner voice which determine our behavior. If someone was drowning we would feel obliged to help them. Where has this moral inclination come from? Knowing that the cause of these emotions does not belong to the physical world, we must assume it to be supernatural and divine since it cannot be explained scientifically - it is beyond science.
Evolution gets rid of characteristics that have no survival benefit, but yet we still have these within us. Such as having unique finger prints, which have no survival benefit. Also, if humans evolved from lower creatures then why did we loose some very important and beneficial features? Examples include the ability to store oxygen for long periods like some sea mammals can to stop us drowning and to improve our chances of getting food, or to re-grow limbs and damaged nerves after they have been severed like in most lizards. There are many more such examples in nature. Another thing is uninterested-love which is helping others, whether we know them or not, and putting ourselves in danger and life-threatening circumstances for other peoples’ sake which has no survival benefit for the individual sacrificing himself - in fact there could be a great chance that they could both die! Also it is our human intelligence that allows us to mould our environment and not just be shaped by it so there is no excuse to evolve to suit the survival-of-the-fittest argument.
Evolution theory is based on natural selection but there has not been a single shred of evidence put forward to show that natural selection causes living things to evolve. Collin Patterson, a prominent expert evolution researcher in this field stresses that natural selection has never been observed to have the ability to cause things to evolve: No one has ever produced a species by the mechanisms of natural selection.
Evil And Natural Disasters?
Some people ask: If there is a God then why is there evil or natural disasters in the world and why is the world not perfect while God is perfect? Some may say these natural disasters are punishments from God like in the case of Sodom (Thamood in Arabic) and Gomorrah (Aa’d in Arabic). Both these tribes were punished by volcanic eruptions for practicing the sin of homosexuality. But natural disasters can be explained scientifically. For instance Tornados occur to maintain a balance in atmospheric pressure. Volcanic eruptions occur due to changing pressures in the planet’s core and it creates new land. Poisonus Ozone (O3) is there to maintain ozone layers to protect us from dangerous cosmic rays. So these natural disasters may be caused by God in order to maintain the natural equilibrium of the environment that we destroy through our activities, e.g. forest fires. What you must understand is that when a man dies he will not be forgotten, he will be raised up on the day of judgment.
What are you waiting go to some imam or mosque and be a Muslim but don’t walk run:
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Religion & Spirituality