There are no curse words, there is no name-calling, I see nothing which "violates" the Community Guidelines. Someone reported me for this post because the obvious similarity between bush's Patriot Act and Hitler's Enabling Act made them very angry.
Can anyone, please, post a specific sentence (s) which actually did "violate Community Guidelines?" I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Here's the message sent to me by Yahoo censors:
"Hello blueridgeliving (blueridgeliving)
You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.
Deleted Question: Do you see Hitler in bush, with the Reichstag Fire being like 9/11 and The Enabling Act being the Patriot Act?"
10 answers
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