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All categories - 29 April 2007

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I have answered a few questions on the ICC World Cup, but I cannot understand why there are so many moaners and groaners blaming everything from match fixing, players accepting bribes, umpiring decisions etc. Anyone would be very disappointed with their team missing out on winning the Cup, I know I would be, but the only people I would query would be the cricketers themselves. ALL teams played well. The Netherlands, Bangladesh etc. The only reason teams lost was their lack of sustained cricket ability over the carnival. I congratulate all teams who participated.

2007-04-29 22:43:15 · 13 answers · asked by ausie down under 2 in Cricket

As far as running costs and upkeep

2007-04-29 22:41:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Honda

Lately I am having a lot of anxiety attacks at night due to daily high stress. I never had anxiety attacks up until recently because I used to unconsciously get my stress out through angry outbursts, but I have stopped doing that and I guess it all builds up inside me and when I'm alone at night before bed it gets out of hand and it is hard to breathe and I start shaking.

It has gotten so bad that I have gone to the E.R. countless times, but it's never very helpful, and I have seen a regular doctor about this, but the doctor has not been helpful.

Since science is of no use here, what are some things I can do for myself to stay calm and not have anxiety attacks? I know I need to eliminate the source of stress, but I cannot do that just yet. The source of my stress has to stay around until I am finished with it (another six months).

Please give me some advice on staying calm. I want to avoid taking drugs everynight, so please try to suggest anything but that.

2007-04-29 22:40:44 · 7 answers · asked by Susan 5 in Mental Health

2007-04-29 22:40:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

Now, I have them moved as far apart as I can, but the problem has me out of my seat changing back the pre-amp's source to video with every pause etc of the film!

And before you suggest changing either component - they were both a substansial investment (conrad-johnson Pre & Power, and Toshiba regionless and multi-format player)

So there is the challenge....what can I do about it?

2007-04-29 22:40:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anyone Know? 2 in Home Theater

Record numbers of the indigenous people are emigrating from the UK to countries such as France, Italy & Spain.
They are leaving mainly because they are dissilusioned at the way the UK is changing due to mass immigration and a corrupt and PC obssessed government.
The phrase ' rats leaving a sinking ship ' springs to mind, but who can blame them in reality ?

2007-04-29 22:40:08 · 14 answers · asked by DAVE 6 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-04-29 22:39:53 · 15 answers · asked by Jules 1 in Motorcycles

If you don't, do you take the time to learn about their religion? Do you ask questions about issues you are unsure of or do you form your own opinions? Have you read whichever book is considered holy to them? Or do you simply ignore your differences? I know many couples where the husband and wife are different religions. Many agree to disagree but do so in a respectful manner and some completely avoid the issue all together. Sadly some feel it is acceptable to insult and degrade each other's beliefs. How do you (or would you) handle being with a person who has beliefs very different than your own?

2007-04-29 22:38:59 · 14 answers · asked by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-04-29 22:38:44 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I don't believe in evolution. I believe humankind came from a golden age that has been lost when the Tower of Babel fell. Humans have not been able to advance back to the Golden Age, yet. We are just now getting technology back from ages long ago.

Any opinions? Do you agree or disagree?

2007-04-29 22:38:40 · 25 answers · asked by Wisdom Guru 3 in Religion & Spirituality

A neighbour has access through the side of our house and back garden to access their back garden.This agreement is on the deeds of the property but is over 100 years old and is worded to the effect of access via foot & with wheelbarrow. There are no time restraints set but we are wondering if there is any way we can legally get this changed as constantly having access used for bicycles etc.
It is getting to be an invasion of privacy , also these neighbours are leaving access unsecure so just wondering how we stand legally

2007-04-29 22:38:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

"Doin' it"??
Who caught you?

2007-04-29 22:36:57 · 8 answers · asked by High? 6 in Polls & Surveys

The water is purified through series of softner and then store in stainless steel tank.

2007-04-29 22:36:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

Im 14 and i can not produce sperm?! Why is this?!?! Im worried
and a bit peed off bout it!! What should i do and why can't produce?!!?

2007-04-29 22:36:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I'm a foreigner living in an Asian country. I got a call from an US college requesting $1000 donation. I graduated from the college 5 years ago and accepted the request orally. But due to a sudden problem I suffered, I now cannot afford it . I'm receiving the payment request letter repeatedly. Is this kind of oral pledge considered legal obligation in the US?

2007-04-29 22:36:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-04-29 22:35:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Movies

And the saddest?

2007-04-29 22:33:52 · 9 answers · asked by dmarie2101 5 in Polls & Surveys

We have a 4 year old Kia Rio.

We are continually loosing the internal lights, dash boards lights, air bags and once we lost the rear headlamps (if that is the right term!)

More recently the electric locking mechanism has gone mad and keeps trying to lock itself when you are trying to unlock.

Other than throwing the car away, or stocking up on fuses (which seems to fix it for a few weeks!) has anyone got any ideas on how we can fix this?!


2007-04-29 22:33:35 · 4 answers · asked by swinkate 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

can someone understand it in the RIGHT way if they dont have the holy spirit?
again the Q is not meant to caus offense.

2007-04-29 22:31:57 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The price of a car has increased by 5%. If the new price is $20475, find the old price.

what i've tried is " 20475 x 5 divide 100= 1023.75
Then 20475 - 1023.75 = $19451.25 < that is not correct. the correct answer is $19500 WHY ?? plz help

2007-04-29 22:31:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-04-29 22:31:06 · 7 answers · asked by chelly belly 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

I'm 22 years old and for the last week, every muscle in my body has been aching. I feel like an old man. I haven't been working out so the muscle aches are not from that. The most pronounced aches are in my neck, mid-back (shoulder blades), calves and hands. What on earth could be causing this?
I read up on muscle aches and it said that fibromyalgia can be the cause, and since I have trouble sleeping as well as depression/anxiety, I am slightly worried that this may be the case.. has anyone else had experience with this kind of thing? It's not terribly severe but especially in my back, it is definitely noticable and I think if it lingers for another day or two I'm going to need to see a Dr. about it because this has never happened to me before..some help, please?

2007-04-29 22:30:57 · 0 answers · asked by embryonicreject 3 in Pain & Pain Management

I've tried just about all of them in the States and I'm bored. Teach me something new.

2007-04-29 22:30:38 · 2 answers · asked by Alice K 7 in Hobbies & Crafts

i have asked about this before and am now amending the trip to this itinerary but am still unsure:

flying to verona, brescia for a 13 night trip with my teenage daughter. we leave on the 16th of may

2 nights staying in verona, daytrip to lake garda.
3 nights in venice
then, am not sure if we should spend 3 nights in Florence and take day trips to siena, San Gimignano, montepulciano, chianti maybe etc.

and then 2 nights in lucca
3 nights in rapallo.

but am not sure if we should stay the 4 nights in Florence, and one night in lucca or 2 nights in lucca and 3 nights in Florence??

2007-04-29 22:30:27 · 4 answers · asked by Karla M 1 in Other - Italy

Cars with automatic transmissions have certain benefits (easier to drive) and cars with manual transmissions have other benefits (cheaper to purchase and repair and uses less petrol).

I wonder why the majority of cars in USA have automatic transmissions, while the majority in Europe have manual (driving with a "stick").
Any historical or other explanations why it is like that?

2007-04-29 22:30:20 · 5 answers · asked by southernrightwhale 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

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