Lately I am having a lot of anxiety attacks at night due to daily high stress. I never had anxiety attacks up until recently because I used to unconsciously get my stress out through angry outbursts, but I have stopped doing that and I guess it all builds up inside me and when I'm alone at night before bed it gets out of hand and it is hard to breathe and I start shaking.
It has gotten so bad that I have gone to the E.R. countless times, but it's never very helpful, and I have seen a regular doctor about this, but the doctor has not been helpful.
Since science is of no use here, what are some things I can do for myself to stay calm and not have anxiety attacks? I know I need to eliminate the source of stress, but I cannot do that just yet. The source of my stress has to stay around until I am finished with it (another six months).
Please give me some advice on staying calm. I want to avoid taking drugs everynight, so please try to suggest anything but that.
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Mental Health