I work with low-class people and all they do is talk about me out loud, but in "codes" they understand, but I know it's about me, they also mock everything I do, and then laugh, it's harrasment every single day, They are not jealous of me, they are just angry at me that I stopped talking to them for "no reason" (I stopped because of they're messy ways) well I have already talked to the "boss" and she said she would have a "meeting" with the whole group to reiterate the rules of the company and of the "no tolerance" rule of harrassment, etc - I know it's a "mind" thing, to see whose mind is the strongest, but it's 6 against 1 - well anyway, this meeting has not happened yet, and now the whole situation has gotton worse.. I am going to asked to be moved...what is your opinions? thank you in advance - I HATE CONFRONTATIONS! (I know I'm a coward to a certain extint, but I just don't think bickering is the answer, I want to go about this in a "classy" way
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