Family Tree Report
“Rosacea is chronic skin disease that causes redness and swelling, primarily on the face.” I picked this trait because it is probably different from any of the traits other students picked. I wanted to learn about this trait because I could get it when I come to age of it, although it is not threatening to life. I wanted to learn about this and see some of the symptoms, genetic bases, and history of the trait.
Discussion of the traits:
A. Symptoms, conditions, and characteristics
Your cheeks, forehead, and nose all get affected by this disorder. They turn red and swelled. Your nose can enlarge and you can get pimples. Your cheeks can also seem like spidery veins. It is triggered by hot drinks, tobacco, alcohol, spicy food, exercise, stress, infection, vitamin deficiency, and extreme heat/cold. It may be cause by environment, disorder of blood vessels, mites/bacteria, infection, or most of all genetics. The true cause is unknown. It occurs mostly in white Scandinavian, Celtic, and Caucasian women from age 35-45. It can occur in men, but it is more severe if it does.
Treatments could be an immunosuppressant such as Tacrolimus.
B. Genetics Basis
As mentioned before Tacrolimus could be a treatment. It slow down record of genes that encode certain stages of T cell activation. It seems like it could be sex-linked since women just get it, but men sometimes get the symptoms too. It seems like you do or you don’t get it meaning it may not be polygenic, but if it wasn’t then scientists would have more than likely figured out the cause of it already. Some scientists are searching for way to find the solution genetically. Sine if them took skin samples and used a gene scanner to identify 21,000 genes (50%-60% of genes in human genome) to study.
Inheritance factors of the trait:
A. The women seem to have it, not the men. It does not show up until ages 35-45, so it is hard to tell who may have it and what genotypes, each person has for it. It is definitely on my mom’s side of the family, because my aunt (mother’s sister by blood) has it too. Also I do not know very much about my dad’s side of the family. So far everyone around the age 35 or up starting form my grandmother, down has had the disorder.
Appearing in children:
A. If it is a genetic disorder, it is likely that it will be in my children, if they are females. We will not know right away though. As said before, it has showed up in every women from under my grandmother old enough to show the phenotype of the disease.
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