In recent years, I noticed my body starting to change, so I went to the doctor, who sent me to a specialist. The specialist diagnosed a condition called Klinefelter's Syndrome, which is a chromosomal abnormality (Which means I am InterSexed). Not only has my body gone through change, but so has my mind. Things that used to be important to me, no longer are. They've been replaced with more feminine thoughts. I had always wondered why I felt the way I did, and now I finally have the answer.
I can no longer hide who I am and I wish to live openly as a woman. I am both man and woman, and I choose to present feminine.
Looking at me or hearing my voice you'd never know I was anything but a girl.
My family has totally abandoned me and won't talk to me - even my lesbian sister! I want to write to them to try an open a dialog up - what can I say or do to reach them?
For more info on me or Photos of me visit my site at:
-Chloe Prince
10 answers
asked by
Chloe Prince
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender