When a company sells a product they give up all claims on that product in exchange for money. Software companies however want to have their cake and eat it to and still retain some control over something they sell. If they dont want to give up that right then why should they be allowed to sell in the first place?
Ford could say, you can buy my car but you are not allowed to share it with others to force your spouse and kids to buy their own. No car pooling allowed, no taxis, everyone buys their own. They could say, look at all the money we are missing out on from lost sales with all these pirates not buying their own cars.
If I want to use windows in my 3 computers, I bought it so thats my luck, not something for Microsoft to expoit, thats just extortion. What if everyone put conditions on everything they sold? some idiot is bound to say "oh buts its copyright its different, bla bla bla"; no brain no pain.
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Law & Ethics