Her birth date is 7/27/06. She sleeps from 7:30pm-12:30am then she is up every 2 hours. Yes, I feed her cereal in her bottle-- actually she will not take a bottle without a little cereal in it, no, it does not constipate her. I tried feeding her sweet potatoes and pears throughout the day, which she loves both. But then she was extremely fussy in the evening so we quit the food for a week and the fussiness went away. But she still will not sleep and I am exhausted !!! I would greatly appreciate any "real" advise from experienced mothers. I am a nurse and none of the doctors know what to tell me. She is a beautiful and happy baby, she does not wake up in the morning in a bad mood(always happy) you can not be upset at a smiling baby..But she wants to get up for the day at 5am. Help!! dad can not help as he is on call 24hours a day for towing and we live in a very rural area. We own a collision/body shop/towing business. The closest town to us has one red light. Any advise???
12 answers
asked by
Karlee bug
Newborn & Baby