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All categories - 7 December 2006

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In quality and features. and looks!
REGARDLESS of price... (though should be $1000 to $5000)

2006-12-07 16:02:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Music

screw everything up for them so it will take years for them to recover?


2006-12-07 16:02:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I passed a kidney stone today. I had all the classic symptoms with it, but my question is....Did any of you still have kidney pain after the fact.....after you passed your stone? How long does this last? Could I have more stones in my kidney and they just have not dropped yet?

2006-12-07 16:02:10 · 7 answers · asked by together420yrs 3 in Other - Diseases

For me, probably the color of fire- yellow-orange

2006-12-07 16:02:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I was listening to the radio today and a "song" came on, it wasn't really a song though there was background music, it was a guy talking I'm assuming at a graduation ceremony and he starts with something along the lines of "if I had any advice to give it would be for you to wear sunscreen" which is also how it ends. I really liked the advice that was given and would love to find out how I can get my hands on this...please help if you can.

2006-12-07 16:02:07 · 4 answers · asked by Just Me 3 in Music

I love to run, but if I smoked, I would have a very hard time enjoying my favorite hobby. Smoking is responsible for a lot of health problems. Every year thousands of people die because of lung cancer or other tobacco related illnesses. Everyone in the world comes in contact with smoke from a cigarette at least once in their lifetime, whether it is at a restaurant or at work. Millions of people are addicted to smoking, and thousands more become addicted every year. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are everywhere. Most of the addicted smokers started when they were young. The new laws ban smoking in public places such as bars and restaurants, is a smart move by the states. Cigarette companies are also no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines. We all know that smoking is detrimental to an individual’s health by polluting one’s lungs, yellowing teeth, and causing bad breath. It is a very expensive habit since prices for cigarettes go up every year and more and more people can not afford them. Smoking not only is harmful to an individual, the smoke from a cigarette directly affects the people around the smoker. On every pack of cigarettes there is a warning from the Surgeon General that says something about cigarettes being hazardous to your health, so why do people continue to smoke them? Some people, especially girls, start smoking because they think it may help keep their weight down. Another reason people start smoking is because their family members do.
There are so many bad things that happen when you smoke. Bad skin. Bad breath. Bad-smelling clothes and hair. Reduced athletic performance. Lung disease, Cancer and death. If you smoke are stop today, it will increase your opportunity for a better health. But sometimes people have a hard time quitting. Keep busy doing things that make it hard to smoke, like working in the yard, washing dishes and being more active. Avoid situations that tempt you to smoke, like drinking coffee or alcohol. and tell family members and friends that you need to quit smoking and need their support. If your husband, wife, son or daughter smokes, ask them to quit with you. Smoking is a very bad habit, and it is hard to enjoy life when you you smoke.
So why do people smoke?

2006-12-07 16:02:04 · 14 answers · asked by Tericka 4 in Other - Health


There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain
And i just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she blows
There she blows again
Pulsing through my vein
And i just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain
And i just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
She calls my name
She pulls my train
No one else could heal my pain
And i just can't contain
This feeling that remains

There she goes
There she goes again
Chasing down my lane
And i just can't contain
This feeling that remains

she is my best friend (Angel) i am goingt o tell her my feelings on christmas.

any advice? (P.S. should i sing this song to her? can you think of a better song?)

I sont that most describes her is "Riot Girl" by Good Charlotte :)

2006-12-07 16:01:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Wikipedia has a lot of information about Venezuela, but it does not go into details about the economy. How much is the Gross National Product and how is the money distributed. What kind of progress is Venezuela making against poverty and disease and for education. What is the case against and for Chavez as an administrator of Venezuela's moneys.

2006-12-07 16:01:50 · 1 answers · asked by johnfarber2000 6 in Economics

Solve the equation for 0 ≤ x < 2π


I am trying to help out a friend who is taking pre-calculus and I haven't worked these out in soo long. Thanks for any help you may provide!

2006-12-07 16:01:47 · 8 answers · asked by Vickster 1 in Mathematics

sometimes i answer questions then go back and re-read them and wonder WTF was i thinking...

2006-12-07 16:01:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I have to write a one paragraph, at least six sentences, using sensory description (...the five senses) for "The Pizza Was Delicious." I have to describe pizza but with like many adjectives and descriptive words.

could you give me help me write it? like some examples for each sense?

i also need help on how to start the paragraph.

also could you give some good strong adjectives i could use for each sense? i need 3 adjectives for sight, 2 for hearing, 1 for smell, 1 for taste, and 1 for touch. after i write down these words, i need to look these words up in the thesaurus and write like four words for each so i really need help with some starting words so i can look them up. i need to include these thesaurus words in my paragraph. THANKS!

2006-12-07 16:01:43 · 8 answers · asked by Sarah S 3 in Homework Help

a 19 and a 26 yr old?

Sure, he says that he loves me and I tell him the same
but I've told him that I love him as a human only can, only wanting a friend out of it all
He tells me that he wants more, putting my hope up of one day meeting and being with each other forever
I've told him that I cannot love him in such a way, that him and I will never happen, still he builds my hope of the two building a life together.........yeah and hope is the evilest thing in this world
messaging my cell, but always making up excuses to talk through the phone
well no matter what......tonight is the last straw.....I cant stand this crap feelings.....

just talk to me ANYONE................i gave up on life a a few months ago.........soo i dont really care

2006-12-07 16:01:37 · 4 answers · asked by Kriss 1 in Singles & Dating

asked me to have them checked out by the doctor? Other than an ear infection, which he doesn't have what else might it be??? Have you had this problem before? He's 4. Every time his ears go under he panics!?? Should I get him plugs??

2006-12-07 16:01:35 · 10 answers · asked by blahblahblah 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

which one do you think looks better?? and how many of you think that these two look alot alike?? lol its just something i cant decide and i do think that they look alike



2006-12-07 16:01:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Ok i know these questions have been asked a bazillion times...but i'm in trouble here. My Girlfriend and i talk on the phone all the time, and we have been dating for 3 months. She goes to a different school than me so i don't really see her ALL the time. She told me there is this guy that goes to her school that "looks just like me" and she told me she likes him...so i asked wat about me, and she says "baby i love you, not him" but now she always says things like "my friends tell me we won't last" and "i love you but i think your gonna break up with me" and today she was saying "your not like you used to be when we first met" and i don't get it cuz i'm acting no different....and i know she loves me...and she knows i love her....but she seems like she might give up on the relation ship....what do i do????

2006-12-07 16:01:11 · 5 answers · asked by Influence 2 in Singles & Dating

...repeat themselves, or a theme is present in many of them?

For some reason, I have many dreams with me having the ability to breathe underwater...Anybody know what that means?


=) Merry Christmas! (=

2006-12-07 16:01:03 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2006-12-07 16:01:01 · 10 answers · asked by vannunu4 3 in Chemistry

I'm watching jimi hendrix live at woodstock, and I really want to buy the trippy/psychedelic/hippie/native american thing he's wearing, but I can not seem to find it anywhere on the internet.....does anyone know a website where you can buy REAL hippie clothes that looked like the ones they shagged around in in the 60's?

2006-12-07 16:00:54 · 14 answers · asked by JChurch 1 in Fashion & Accessories

makes everyone else in the shop feel negative

2006-12-07 16:00:53 · 5 answers · asked by johnny96744 1 in Psychology

Do you think that people who migrate to different countries should be compelled to learn that country’s language? I think that immigrants should have to take an English literacy test in order to become a citizen. If I migrated to another country, for example Japan, I would definitely learn Japanese. I just think that it is really bad when someone has been in a country for years and can barely speak the official language.
Two examples:
a)I work in retail and many Russian immigrants live nearby. Some of those people have been in America for 20+ years and cannot even spell their last names in English.
b)I work with an immigrant from Ethiopia. He has been in America for three years and is absolutely fluent in English.

2006-12-07 16:00:51 · 9 answers · asked by Meg 5 in Polls & Surveys

Also, If we came from monkeys then why are there still monkeys, and why aren't there any half monkey/half humans running around today. If we why isn't any thing evolving anymore? I don't believe in evolution but I just wanted to get some different answers from people out there.

2006-12-07 16:00:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

Is Katy a nice enough area that it is worth the drive? What is the difference between driving I- 10 and taking toll roads?

2006-12-07 16:00:45 · 6 answers · asked by Michael H 1 in Houston

A large guy one year ahead of me in school, grabs my butt almost everytime I pass him. He does this to ZERO other girls at school. He usually wants hugs from me too, and he always picks me up when he does and sometimes he even swats my butt or asks me to wrap my legs around him (we're in SCHOOL for God's sake!) Today when he saw me, he hugged me, as usual and lifted me high into the air (he usually just picks me up) with his arms outstretched. I'm 5'2 and 110 lbs, he's about 5'11 250 lbs, about twice my size and before he claimed that he likes picking me up so much just because I'm small, but there are plenty of hott girls at my school who are my size. Now he says it stimulates him. What exactly does he want to do with me and why does he keep picking me up?

I am aware that this is sexual harassment and I do plan on confronting someone, but what is he trying to say to me when he does this? What does he want from me? Why is he picking me up? To show off?

2006-12-07 16:00:34 · 7 answers · asked by susie q 2 in Singles & Dating

would you think that if god really wanted everyone to believe in one religion that he would come down right now so every person would believe? it really would not make any sense for him to have ONE story 2000 years ago that sounds impossible within itself and sit back and expect every person to believe it.

2006-12-07 16:00:26 · 24 answers · asked by Red Eye 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Breast feeding was going well for the first two months until I had to back to school at nights and was away from son for 6 hours without being able to pump or feed him. I slowly had to start supplementing him with formula when I noticed he had emptied the breasts and was still hungry. Now my milk supply is almost completely gone (he's almost 6 mos old) but school is almost over . Is it possible to get it back to what is was or should I just give up? It hurts to try to feed him often when there is no milk in there because he tugs and pulls on the breasts. I drink water often and feed him as soon as I feel milk let down because otherwise he just gets upset that nothing comes out. I also think when I had a blocked duct it caused my milk supply to drop.

2006-12-07 16:00:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Anyway, I am stuck on this problem..Can you please help me?
Don't just do the problem though, Teach me how 2 do it please!
Here it is:
Write in slope intercept form the equation of the line that is parallel to the given line and passes through the given point.

#1. y = 2x - 11, (3,4)

Thank You And I Love You Forever!Teehee

Sorry i had to post this here, no1 really answered this question in the homework help section. :/

2006-12-07 16:00:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2006-12-07 16:00:06 · 6 answers · asked by najarmac@yahoo.com 1 in Friends

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