Let dog out 6am, came home <1 hr later, completely covered in mud.Then noticed he was bleeding from multiple small, deep wounds on back, rear, & hind legs. Although serious, I felt the injuries were not life-threatening as he was breathing normally, etc.Laid down & refused to get up. Weighed 85 lbs & couldn't carry by myself. Cleaned some of the mud off but did not clean the possibly 20 or so separate punctures. Wounds went thru the flesh & not bleeding alot. He drank a little water & got up to urinate that evening. I got him to vet at 8:45 am next day. He was sick that morning & had a rapidly-worsening odor. Stank. Vet said infection indicated he must have been injured 5-7 days before but not possible! Widespread & irreparable tissue damage, recommended putting him to sleep. Vet felt likely animal attack but did not look like bite marks to me.Maybe lead poisoning from shotgun blast?Other dog found dead last month in woods after missing 2 days,muddy, same marks over same part of body
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upset dog owner...