It all started when my son was 2. He had uncontrolable siesurzes which he was heavilly medicated for. After the siesures he started uncontrolable fits over little things. He is almost 10 now 5 years ago he went into kindergarden. Everything was good until he started Stealing form the other students and teachers constantly disturbing the class running around. For the least to say he failed kindergarden. the next year was the same. So he turned 7 his first time in 1st grade.cut it short he is still in 1st grade at almost 10. He is severe ADHD. From the time he turned 7 and still going on now. He has tried to SET FIRE to 1 apartment twice, our first house 2 or 3 times, our SUV once, our boat once.He steals lies pees on the floor bites holes in everything, is creul to animals fights He steals pencil sharpeners from school and makes weapons. He has been to 3 residental treatment centers. They say nothing is wrong. I fear that one night while we sleep he might hurt me. I feel this is right.
11 answers
asked by
Terry M