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All categories - 6 October 2006

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If the kids were united they could put a stop to pedophiles and the blood sucking commercialism that's robing them of the best years of their lives.

2006-10-06 02:12:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Think about it, did the Australians fight a bloody war for independence? The Canadians? How about New Zealand? No, they didn't; they went through the proper channels (not a terrorist give us our independence or we'll kill you while we're enslaving half of Africa one) and gained independence peacefully. Now they are part of the commonwealth and can play cricket with Mother England instead of silly games that are basically toughened up versions of games designed for British schoolgirls.

And what about India? Was Gandhi a blood thirsty killer? No.

Who glorifed the mafia? Surely the Godfather is a perfect example of the American capitalist animal.

Do we really want these psychopaths running the World? Do we have any choice?

To be fair, violence is deeply embedded in British culture, we are the original beer swilling homicidal crazies so perhaps the yanks are the most honest product of our culture.

2006-10-06 02:11:38 · 12 answers · asked by airmonkey1001 4 in History

It came in the news paper

2006-10-06 02:11:36 · 3 answers · asked by *No Doubt* 4 in Celebrities

I was reading some question and I am shocked by the way people just HATE immigrant, I could understant if you have a problem with the illegal ones but why do you hate every single person that came legally? those illegal people have it really hard already they are not all bad, some of them work for us while we sleep and are in a really bad situation its not like they recieve benefits they are too scare to do that even though they are eligible for it, now lots of Americans that can work recieve walfare, food stamps and wic. And I dont get why people think they steal jobs from americans, some of them dont even have an education to get a descent job and they will not get hired because they dont have any papers, how could they steal the job of an american that went to school? I dont know much about immigration thats why Im asking this question I cant be with or against immigration since I dont know all the facts that you know

2006-10-06 02:11:29 · 27 answers · asked by audrey 3 in Immigration

I keep just getting the free trials, but I know there is a way to get the free full downloads

2006-10-06 02:11:20 · 1 answers · asked by kerrie c 1 in Video & Online Games

2006-10-06 02:11:17 · 33 answers · asked by Grinner5000 4 in Movies

We are building a new house in the Denver, Colorado area and were wondering if there is a current trend in selecting the type of wood and stain for the kitchen and bathroom cabinets? Are most new houses going with cherry, maple, oak, or hickory for their cabinetry? And what color of stain is in now?

2006-10-06 02:11:15 · 4 answers · asked by PhantomPhenom 2 in Decorating & Remodeling

black beauty by anna sewell published by henry altemus, philadelphia 1842

2006-10-06 02:11:11 · 8 answers · asked by debpap 1 in Books & Authors

Imean , wud evn a serious boy tell his mom or dad bout ny gil who proposes him?may it b their family frends daughtr or ny1.!??
{i kno this ques is a littl silly.}but still , do nser.!!

2006-10-06 02:11:07 · 21 answers · asked by mia 2 in Singles & Dating

How can i make my home page to appear on the search engine when i see give the my details ?
What is the HTML code to edit the key words for the web page?

2006-10-06 02:11:01 · 1 answers · asked by myvsarun 1 in Programming & Design

if so please explain why. i would think you would if not expect it knowin you have a great a ss the accept it. or just love your body and know men are gonna look. if i walked around with my package makin an imprint in my pants im sure you would look.

2006-10-06 02:11:01 · 39 answers · asked by HUSTLER 4 in Singles & Dating

does anyone know if there are any places in the south west england which does 3d or 4d scans for pregnancy

2006-10-06 02:11:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I would like to have my mail come into OE ..... is that possible?

2006-10-06 02:10:57 · 2 answers · asked by chachieeze 2 in Programming & Design

I am Tunisian Citizen, met my fiancee, who is a Hungarian citizen Living in London when I was visiting London for years ago.I am back to Tunisia and we kept in touch ever since.
She visited me in Tunisia also.
Now that we want to get married, can you tell me the process.I have reviewed the www.ukvisas.gov.uk website and I learned that I came under the section of Husbands, wives , partners, fiances and proposed civil partner.
and I have to apply to join my fiancee with qualifications like : we both intend to live together permanently in uk as husband and wife, we have met each other before, we can support ourselves without help from public funds, we are above 18.
we meet the above qualifications, but I need assurance from anyone
Can you advise please, Thanks- Midou

2006-10-06 02:10:56 · 9 answers · asked by Midou 1 in Immigration

it's like a white membrane or something...i dunno

2006-10-06 02:10:53 · 5 answers · asked by ouch! 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

As a man; you are either an a$$ guy or a boob guy, is it the same for girls? Most men focus on their upper body (arms, shoulders, etc...) while a few focus on their lower body (legs, butt...etc.). This has been a mistery to me for a long time, please help!!!

2006-10-06 02:10:40 · 16 answers · asked by osovodka 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

2006-10-06 02:10:32 · 12 answers · asked by bcdestroya 2 in Baseball

can be justified by the war in Iraq, work that one out, A significant portion of the Muslim community have said they understand why the 7/7 bombers did what they did and 23% of muslim males in the UK would not shop a terrorist, who the hell do they think they are. Surely it isn't just me that thinks that native Brits are being shafted by the Muslim community.

2006-10-06 02:10:32 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Summers are harsh these years and lot of electricity is being wasted due to improper air-conditioning. Most of the heat in a room is absorbed by glass (windows or doors) according to a study.

If glass windows are covered from the outside the heat absorbtion would be reduced leading to better cooling with less electricity.

How is my thought?
Which will be a better "outside window cover"- plastic, cloth or natural material like straw?? why?

2006-10-06 02:10:25 · 4 answers · asked by luckychina 2 in Environment

According to Alonso there is some sort of conspiracy against him at Renault. He is convinced that the team do not want him to "take No1 to their rivals, McLaren, next season". To do this they are prepared to do anything to sabotage his chances of winning the title this year. Thus, the sticky wheel nut that cost him precious seconds in the pits in Shanghai was deliberate; the overtaking manoeuvre performed on him by his team-mate in Shanghai was done so as to "block" him ("In the same situation I don't believe that Massa would have driven past Schumacher," said Alonso); and more mischief lies ahead. Why on earth is Alonso behaving like this at this crucial time? Why would anyone make this kind of noise now when he desperately needs his team to cooperate if he is to win the next two races? Why antagonise everybody now when there is absolutely nothing to be gained by it?

2006-10-06 02:10:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Auto Racing

Our sex life is good we try all kinds of positions but he can't last that long. He said this never happened to him before with any other girl he's dated. As soon as he gets in and go at it for about a minute or two he's about ready to explode. At first i was coky about it i was like man i must be really good but it happens every single time. When we first started dating he said he hadn't had sex in like a year and a half. could this be part of his problem. also he's away on business alot so we rarely see each other. like once every three to four months. maybe the time in between is playing a big role in him not being able to perform longer. maybe his body gets so excited that he's finally getting some and he can't control himself. someone please help me better grasp this situation. is it me or is it him and how can we fix this.

2006-10-06 02:10:24 · 16 answers · asked by D 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-06 02:10:19 · 18 answers · asked by Chris G 3 in Other - Entertainment

I am dating a guy which I love to death. We have our problems just like everyone else. But our main problem is ME, he says I don't show him enough love, like he knows I love him but he said I dont act on it. Well, So that brings me here to get help. I have asked him how would he like me to show it. I cook and clean for him. I always offer to do other things for him. Just like last night I washed his truck and came to his house (we do not live together) and helped his mom do yard work. Am I not doing anything right. I mean come on who wouldnt want a girl that done everything for you. But any suggestions would be greatly apperciated. Because its really a big factor in our relationship. Thanks

2006-10-06 02:10:18 · 1 answers · asked by bt30711 2 in Singles & Dating

Do yoou know of ant good basket ball moves for any position?

2006-10-06 02:10:06 · 9 answers · asked by rhapmaster 1 in Basketball

Wow, I saw the authors of this book on Charlie Rose lastnight. It is REALLY scary how Fox News, Matt Drudge, and the likes of Ann Coulter are changing how politics in America is being influenced by lies and deceit.

One area I really found interesting was what they call the "Freak Show". Ever notice the role Ann Coulter or any other Radical Right Winger guest (usually a talk radio person) plays on Fox News. They really aren't on there for their knowledge, but to be a wedge and fire up the Radical base. By being so controversal they stimulate action by all the Bush backers glued to the TV watching how to think. Thus, Freak Show.
Amazing how propaganda is rampant in America to win the war for votes.


2006-10-06 02:10:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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