I think we could be looking at a prelude to WWIII and I think that much of what is going on is Iran's way of testing the waters to see what the reaction internationally might be. You may disagree with me and I sincerely invite your input on the debate but I almost feel sorry for the Isreali's and Hezbollah guerillas in Lebanon. They undoubtedly have always had gripes over land issues; however, I don't think Hezbollah would have instigated anything right now if it hadn't been pushed and manipulated by Iran. As such both Isreal and the Hezbollah guerillas in Lebanon are being used as pawns and innocent people on both sides are dying. Already it has been somewhat effective as other Muslim dominated nations are starting to stand in criticism of Isreal, as is the UN. So again it appears to be Isreal, the US and UK. Moreover, Iran is already seeing the US/UK becoming bogged down in Iraq and is loving it. So, if hostilities spread and intensified, who else would join in and on what side.
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