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Air Travel

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Can i take a guitar with me on a plane or can i send it through non carry on without it getting broke..

2007-12-10 10:28:37 · 15 answers · asked by musicismylife015 2

I am trying to take the family to Hawaii in January. I developed somewhat of a phobia after my last trip back from Asia a few years ago, which was very rough for over an hour at the end.

2007-12-10 10:14:35 · 4 answers · asked by fawdown 7

Ive never flown b4 and my dad lives in Florida and asked me to come down from ohio. Im excited but i have a few questions. I kno ur not allowed to bring liquid stuff on to ur carryon but can you bring lotion and gel and stuff like that with the stuff that they take and put on the plane? Also any other tips wud be helpful. Thanx!!!

2007-12-10 02:21:43 · 4 answers · asked by Britany N 2

So, my friend is now coming on holiday with me, but I've already booked it, so she is going to have to book it herself.

But my friend's mum is using her credit card to book it herself, but for electronic tickets, you need to bring a credit card to the airport.

Can my friend bring the credit card and do it herself or will her mum have to come to the airport, because it's her credit card.

2007-12-09 21:40:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, me and a few buddies are wondering how much for it would cost to take a trip to Amsterdam for 7 days. Me and a few friends have been saving up most of the money we make, and are planning to go in 2 years, (grade 12).

Also, for weed in Amsterdam, do you need to be 18?

Thanks alot.

2007-12-09 18:02:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to know what it mean

2007-12-09 12:51:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of these things is that they're luxurious. What else?

2007-12-09 11:18:01 · 10 answers · asked by coolbryce14 3

If you were to drive from John Wayne to LAX it takes about 30 min, with traffic maybe an hour. The flight itself says it takes 30 min, (United Airlines website). The tickets cost around 250 and up, gas still isn't that expensive!

2007-12-09 09:51:21 · 9 answers · asked by puppylove21 2

If all other important requirements are met (such as height/reach, language/communication, age, educational, physical, etc.) but I don't have perfect vision ("20/20 eyesight"), can I still apply as or become a flight attendant for a major airline? Is it really required? I wear clear contact lenses that enable me to see clearly. Is this OK?

2007-12-08 19:36:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am taking a new position 1/2/2008 that involves four flights a week. This week I flew to Denver on Delta and felt that I was screwed around with. I tried making two changes and they wanted to charge me for both of them. I wanted to skip my last leg of my return flight and they wanted $75 for this. I then asked about getting an earlier flight out of Denver and that was another $50 fee. I'm done with Delta after this....

2007-12-08 15:49:53 · 6 answers · asked by Satellite Guy 3

I'm 14 years old and Im going to Australia. What do I do to survive the 18 hour flight? I have my laptop with me and some books but what can I do besides that.

2007-12-08 13:35:11 · 8 answers · asked by Tosh T 2

My brother just bought a new pistol and is coming down for Christmas and wants to bring it. Is there anyway he can bring the gun with him on the plane without violating the law? He will be putting it in his luggage I guess...

2007-12-08 12:41:27 · 7 answers · asked by Joe 1

Like the airline cannot hold you prisoner on the plane once the toilets are full, or they have to let you off the plane to walk around if the air conditioning fails, or basic stuff like that. Or do most people think all air travel would come to a screeching halt if we had to be treated like humans instead of cattle?

2007-12-08 12:36:38 · 3 answers · asked by Jack Flanders 3

The response I saw on FOX news from the US Airways Spokeswoman was truly shocking!!

Apparently the flight was overbooked, (surprise..surprise) and the family decided to split up; the Mom stayed behind with her parents, and the Dad took the two kids onto the flight with him to go home.

The plane was so disorganized that once onboard they then found they had no regular seats left and the attendant offered to place the 8 year old up into first class; but, when no seat was found there either, the attendant simply removed the girl from the plane without notifying the father until after take-off.

I was disgusted, and I want to send the story info to my friends and family as a warning about Holiday travel; does anyone have know of a link to the story???

2007-12-08 11:35:12 · 7 answers · asked by Pam H. 2

If you were traveling on an airline and the person sitting next you to was so large that their body fat was invading your space, do you think they should have purchase two tickets instead?

If you decide they should only have to purchase one ticket: Then would that be fair to you or other people to have to deal with someone elses fat invading your space while flying to your destination?

If you think they should have to purchase two tickets: Then what happens if they cant control the fact that they are obese due to the fact of health reasons? Should they still purchase two tickets?

Ask yourself. Would rather have someone purchase two tickets to make the flight better for both parties? Or would it be fair to have the obese person pay for only one ticket since it's one human actually flying and not two?

2007-12-08 10:45:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just flew back from France on Easy Jet. How many flights a shift do the cabin crew do?

2007-12-08 05:12:57 · 4 answers · asked by theriskbasedapproach 1

I really want to go .

2007-12-07 10:58:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am planning to go to indianapolis, IN in january. i currently live in california. do i need a passport to travel by plane?

2007-12-07 09:50:43 · 15 answers · asked by me, me, and me 4

i need to know for a school project (by wed)

2007-12-07 06:57:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-07 06:49:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took the airplane in august of this year, and well i just started having like a panic attack! i couldnt breathe and well one of the air flight attendants had to bring me water so that i can relax. (It was a night flight) I'm soooo terrified of heights and I've never been on a rollercoaster (yeah i know weird). But ive been on an airplane before, i started getting on airplanes last year in august. And well it was nothing to me i started liking it! But now im afraid to get on again, what should i do?? should i just take some sleeping pills or something?

Oh yeah and last year in dec. i went on the airplane at night and well i had my ipod on and well when i took them off like an hour later my ears where popping like crazy i couldnt hear for like 2-3 days! They were hurting sooooo bad!!!

Could it be that, that traumatized me? Please anyone help im going on the airplane in 2 weeks and well im a little scared.

2007-12-07 06:00:38 · 3 answers · asked by Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ஜღMRS.STARღஜ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 5

I keep hearing people that say statistically flight is the safest form of travel- but that's because they always quote the 'passenger-kilometre' statistic, which is unfair because planes travel way further and carry way more passengers than cars each time.

I've heard that you're 12 times more likely to survive a car journey than a plane journey- but that's also unfair because there are way more cars than planes.

People keep saying I have an irrational phobia like a fear of spiders, but it's not the same. So many things can go wrong in a plane journey and if one of them does, there's no way to survive. If you're in a car you can just pull up by the side of the road, and when you crash you have a high probability of surviving (and I'm completely ignoring the guilt of the carbon emissions).

Can anyone truly reassure me of the safety of flying? No crap sarcastic answers please.

2007-12-07 00:31:55 · 13 answers · asked by Gabriel H 3

2007-12-06 16:29:33 · 3 answers · asked by ineedanswers 3

If it is always best to purchase as far in advance as possible, WHY are the January prices cheaper than most Feb and March prices?
Will they open another Feb flight?
12/8 $351
12/15 84
12/22 251
12/29 97
01/05 251
01/12 97
01/19 97
01/26 97
02/02 97
02/09 97
02/16 131
02/23 131
03/01 131
03/08 131
03/15 186
03/22 186
03/29 131
04/05 131
04/12 97
04/19 131

2007-12-06 16:00:53 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous