since the superbowl, where is was so very, very close, one huge trade has made the difference. and that is obviosly randy moss. maybe the better quarterback will prevail despite the big chance since the superbowl. i dobut it. if manning wins, he takes home all the chips in my book. he will prove he is the greatest once and for all. i kinda pull for mannning because of a little bias -- brady is too damn cute and geets all the girls. hell, even my teenie neices flip out when they see brady on tv. how can any man be born so damn lucky? talk about having it all? gee, brady just has hardly any room left to rise. what he already has is too much. but i won't be a sourgrapes or a detractor. he has the right stuff and a lot of people express their intense jealously on this site. god bless them, they cannot help themselves. which they had to post their photos and resume.
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