i have just got myself a little part time job to help fund my studies. its an ironing and washing service place.
i began this job on the same day it was taken over by somebody new. the staff who were there with the old owner are having teething problems with the new owner. so there is lots of name calling and general displeasure going on. one of the women who works there has decided to start her own washing and ironing business. she has already started taking people's washing and ironing and is doing it in between working at the shop. she is also telling our customers that she is starting up herself and undercutting my boss. we have started to lose customers, due to ironing not being done right, items going missing, and orders not being done on time.
i am wondering if she has anything to do with this, however, i have no prove of this.
so my dilema is do i tell my boss whats going on and if so how can i tell her without any come back. i have a family and education to consider
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