To be unnoticed when they pump and hump each other. Only whitie do this, cause they are permiscuous and it feels good. A far away land allows them to be crude!!! in Mexico (GIRLS GONE WILD) and have orgies with as many people as one week allows, wears baseball cap, joins a frat or sorority for more sex, don't study but cheats using old exam from the frat house files, goes to keg parties to get drunk to be cool and have more sex with the slutty women that likes to join them, dumb blonds, bimbos, MBA types by name only (actually they are dumb between the ears), superficial, likes to drive BMWs, actually their parents bought it for them, so they can "look" successful cause they can't do it in reality, cheats on exams, to get the grade, look down on other ethnicities, snobbish, arrogant, and don't see anything wrong with their shallow existence as long as they got money to spend (like Paris Hilton the sluttmutt).
2 answers
asked by
john d