my nipples are weird.
Hi, so i have had just a surgery (cist in breasts), complications caused one niplle to invert, so they "corrected it" then made the other match.
Basically, they perm. scooped out my nipples so they are stuck errected and this seems a little odd to me. they have no ability to go back in (they are sensitive and can harden) and they also seem kind of fat to me now and pinker. Keep in mind i am only describing the nipple not the areola around it. So, everybody tells me fat erected nipples are sexy, they're perfect, don't worry, i'd kill for your breasts, bla bla bla. But, i would now like some honest opinions. Is this weird?, ugly? unsexy? or am I just unused to it? (I'm considering surgery to better them, but part of me is thinking that surgery for something as trivial as nipples would be silly). Thanks!
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