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Other - Society & Culture - 17 August 2006

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...what exactly are those?

My wife has certain abilities, so I know that it is possible to actually be psychic. Some people delude themselves and others try to defraud others for various reasons.

But she is the real deal.

I know there are others of you out there.

2006-08-17 02:26:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I posted a question about how much money my boyfriend would need to tske to Amsterdam.

In the details I put "Obviously, when the other boys go into strip joints and sex shows, he will stand outside and wait for them, but how much will he need even for the healthy and wholesome stuff?"

Two girls actually replied that they thought my boyfriend might go into the sex shows anyway. No s**t, Sherlock...

Are people really this stupid?

2006-08-17 02:24:54 · 27 answers · asked by Banwa 3

2006-08-17 02:23:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My statement is this...
If anyone ever tried to harm my daughter, much less DO what little Samantha in California and Jon Bonet had to endure, I would hunt them down myself, and make a pair of earings out of his balls for a proper burial. There would be no trial. Only revenge.
There is a special place in Hell I believe for these sickos, and I'd be the first to put in an expresslane!
Don't mess with our kids!!!!!!!!

2006-08-17 02:19:31 · 16 answers · asked by mom 4

2006-08-17 02:15:13 · 51 answers · asked by Paulo V 1

to jail 4 murder. R u a pro lifer or pro murderer? Give ur reason y u r a pro lifer or pro murderer. Abortion qualifies as a sin. If u can't handle the consequences then give the baby to someone who can't have kids.

2006-08-17 02:14:20 · 13 answers · asked by baddrose268 5

Who is tired of teenagers always whining about how their life sucks, bla bla bla?

2006-08-17 02:08:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which leader of the Mongol Empire completed the conquest of China?

2006-08-17 02:05:53 · 2 answers · asked by :) 1

2006-08-17 02:04:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

How about if we work the weekend and have the week off?

2006-08-17 02:03:44 · 11 answers · asked by Les-Paul 3

Or do you ever want to live in other part of the world instead of the current place you stay now?

2006-08-17 02:02:58 · 11 answers · asked by Verdi 1

people are not born emo, punk, goth, etc. why do people think you're born that way. are serial killers born that way?

2006-08-17 01:51:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends are waiting for the weekend to have a party for me...but today is my birthday. i dont want to be bored today. what do you guys think i should do?

2006-08-17 01:44:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-17 01:39:03 · 6 answers · asked by Moses_Santos_ii 2

2006-08-17 01:36:15 · 3 answers · asked by silversurfer1278 2

I think it is unhealthy to instill so much vanity and shallowness into young children. Why not teach them to excell at a sport, or hobby, instead of implying that their greatest asset is their looks?

2006-08-17 01:34:56 · 15 answers · asked by ontario ashley 4

There is so much hate on these pages towards people from different religous and racial backgrounds.
We should have a ceasefire for at least one day, can we make that day today?

2006-08-17 01:32:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Left or right side of the bed?
Favourite telly show as a kid?
Favourite landscape?
Tidy or untidy?
Favourite meal?
Favourite saying?
Famous moment?
Embarressing moment?
Ever cried yourself to sleep?
Laughed till it hurt?

2006-08-17 01:30:29 · 23 answers · asked by |Chris 4

2006-08-17 01:25:35 · 14 answers · asked by tausif h 1

2006-08-17 01:15:49 · 10 answers · asked by mns 1

My apology for the morbid question, but if given the choice, how would you prefer to lose your life? By falling or drowning? Which is more tragic?

2006-08-17 01:12:51 · 24 answers · asked by Muffin 4

A friend of mine used to sell orthopaedic shoes for cows in France. She got fired though bless her.

2006-08-17 01:09:38 · 19 answers · asked by kezls_79 3

I like just taking a moment in the morning and standing on the porch, enjoying the animals in the backyard. Bird songs, coming from every direction - not just noise from two speakers as we usually hear. Squirrels running around, burying nuts. The sound of a gentle breeze moving through the trees. It seems oddly relaxing. You can tell pretty much what is going on by watching. No deception, guilt, or other complex emotions that I can see.

I live in a generally nondescript suburban area - nothing fancy.

Maybe folks with aquariums enjoy the same thing.

But this is free!

Anyone else do something like this?

2006-08-17 01:08:48 · 14 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

and she drives a sporty ford fiesta convertible. Is it normaly for me to have such lust for a plastic princess from toys r us?

2006-08-17 01:05:59 · 26 answers · asked by Jay 3

2006-08-17 01:03:52 · 9 answers · asked by katyonok 1

Worldwide, more Christians are persecuted than any other group.

Most folks know that bigotry is wrong, or at least know that it's not socially acceptable. To take the worst aspects of some members of a community and tar all members with a stereotype, to deliberately post the most insulting and ridiculing material possible, or to be so proud of one's prejudices. Look at racial prejudice, for example.

Yet some of you seem to revel in your anti-Christian bigotry.

I tried to reason with people, but then I realized I was wasting my time and making a fool of myself. I don't argue with KKK types, spouting anti-black stereotypes; I just realize that these people are tainted and corrupted by hate and too far gone. I'll try to remember that, and feel the same pity for Christian-haters as for the others.

Any comments? Both KKKers and Christian-bashers feel free to spout. Hey, criticize Martin Luther King - kill two birds with one stone!

Without your hate you're nothing.

2006-08-17 01:03:04 · 8 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

Andwhy does he always have to ask lewd questions?

I only go on becasue I live on my own and I want someone to talk to when it's too late to phone anyone! so why do some of them seem to automatically presume I'm on there for cyber sex or to pull? i purposly don't go onto the dating one as I only want to chat.

2006-08-17 01:02:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers