Everyday Monday right through to Friday I work with people from various different countries and with different religious beliefs, we get on fine, no arguments, no fighting, just a good laugh. As anyone would. Some of them are muslim, they respect our belifes we respect their'sthat's just the way it is.
All they need to do is to come and work with us for a while and then things would be a little better.
Oh yeah and the factory in which I work employs over 1000 people, so thier is a good mixture.
You can not judge all by the actions of the few.
2006-08-17 01:45:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What! you expect people to 'hug the world and have a coke syndrome'..that's asking allot, difference is what makes humans as they are, if we where all the same, and had all the same ideal then life would be boring not to mention dull.
I wish the world could love one another and all the wars of this world could end, the biggest problem is religion and the zealots who influence the hatred of it through sectarianism and brain washing, abusing Gods word and using war in his name.
I cannot stand that it pisses me off.
Harmony and love is an age that the flower children had in the 70's but it was destroyed through the use of drug abuse and radicals.
The world is not perfect but at least its still here, the question is for how long, You should be grateful for the fact you are alive and not living on every second in a war torn nation or a baby in the grip of starvation in a 3d world!
Or that a100,000 acres of rain forest disappear every minute because of corporate influence. That your not a tiger or a shark on the verge of extinction! Remember your lucky to be and to have what you have the question is what you do with it for others that counts...
You can make a difference if you so want to by just being more aware and informed, love the environment and be more Conscientious about what you buy and where you buy it!
so remember that the next time you buy a designer bag or clothing that somewhere in Indo china a child worked on that item for 50p a week in a sweatshop so you can look good!
2006-08-17 02:02:27
answer #2
answered by celtic_colieen 4
That would require a radically different idea of love than the one most people have.
A long time ago I thought that love was something that you reserved for some special set of people that you had judged worthy of it.
After a while I got to thinking about what Jesus had said about turning the other cheek and loving our neighbor I put the two together and realized that he had made no exceptions in these statements. It became obvious to me that he intended that we exclude no one from the love that we are supposed to be giving. I started thinking about my idea of love and suddenly realized that I had not been loving anyone at all. I had simply been judging everyone and every thing.
Judging someone worthy of love is not love, it is only judgment. I actually started to cry when I realized this. I saw just how much of my life I had wasted being judgmental, thinking of myself as a Christian, when I was actually doing just the opposite of what Jesus had asked us to do.
I thought about the verse judge not lest ye be judged, and I understood it for the first time.
I realized that I have a lot of catching up to do. So many opportunities were wasted. I now try to apply the love that I have for the world in a universal way like Jesus asks us to do.
If I start to feel afraid and think that I see someone that I should not love because of something I have thought or heard I try to catch my mistake as soon as possible. I tell myself that I have forgot the truth and have fallen for the same old trick that had cost me so many opportunities to be loving in the past. The horror of this realization is often all that is necessary to bring me back to my senses and make me drop the judgmental nonsense I was thinking.
I still have a lot to learn about love, but at least I’m making progress.
Love and blessings
Your brother
2006-08-17 01:38:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's not just here - spend a day on Gumtree and see just how much hatred there is!
I think the underlying thing is that we all have prejudices against people who are different to us - whether it comes from bad experiences, or what parents and/or peers raise us. These prejudices aren't as evident in real life as it is on the Internet, and with the anonimity it offers people feel they can air their negativity freely.
I used to have a weblog, where I posted increasingly negative entries about life at the time. For all that negativity there were other negative people who posted, not only throwing my negativity back but also adding their own, and the cycle continued.
The only way to break the cycle is if people start respecting each other and their viewpoints.
2006-08-17 01:43:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because we are worse than animals, animals do not go to war. They do not steal large amounts of land from each other and enslave the animals in it, the earth belongs to all life. We can never have peace because all human life is made up of violence. We are a violent and aggressive species that is on the road to self destruction. I just hope that when we become extinct the next species to inherit the planet does a better job.
Sorry to sound so pessimistic but it is unfortunatly true.
2006-08-17 01:54:22
answer #5
answered by Roninja 2
today is the day and all the sensible nice people will abide by it without a doubt, but unfortunately all the other nasty evil ones will not be able to help themselves, it's inbuilt into their personalities - they need to learn that it's much easier to smile and love people than to frown and hate them - they would be much happier themselves if they knew this - hope they learn soon and they can reap the benefits of being LOVERS instead of HATERS!!
2006-08-17 01:48:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No,Islam does not tutor violent yet peace. combating is enable to protect Muslims from persecutions via the effective Meccan tribes. If one is truthful interior the search for reality, one has to study the translation of the verses i.e tafsir to appreciate the context. It does not make experience even as there are also peace passages and also you deliberately opt for not quoting it.
2016-11-05 00:15:04
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I don't have any hated. If other people value their hatred more than love, I can't change them. I feel bad for them... their heart will always be full of anger, and they'll never find true happiness.
2006-08-17 01:38:21
answer #8
answered by Funchy 6
Thank you for starting the day off on a good note!
Immediate ceasefire now !!!!!!!! Excellent idea !!!!!
2006-08-17 01:40:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
And what's wrong with a bit of good old-fashioned hatred?
It's good for the soul!! The trouble with the modern generation is that too many of them are namby-pamby, politically correct ponces. Many of the Answers received on this forum reflect this.
2006-08-17 01:54:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous