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Society & Culture - 10 February 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I mean, what better way to honor the name of your "Lord" than by putting his name on a bumper sticker, and slapping it on an '88 Buick?

Also funny: Christians think Muslims are crazy for not allowing the image of Muhammed to be shown or published, yet they will plaster Jesus' image on billboards next to strip clubs and liqour stores.

2007-02-10 19:18:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-02-10 19:17:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

This question might be for Wiccan's, but I'm not sure...(sry if Im wrong)

When it comes to lighting candles, and the meaning of the colors, do all dark colored candles fit into the "black candle" category? I have dark red (black cherry) candles...will they act the same as black candles? Also, does the smell of them matter?

For those of you who are like "ohhh dont do it!"...Im Catholic, and NOT trying to cast spells, so you can save the dumb comments.


2007-02-10 19:17:27 · 7 answers · asked by annie 6 in Religion & Spirituality

What's that saying again about don't judge others lest you be judged? hehehe...

2007-02-10 19:17:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-02-10 19:16:56 · 16 answers · asked by DBA GODZY 3 in Religion & Spirituality

My girlfriend and I have a relationship hidden from our family. What could I do or give her that won't attract any attention from her family when she comes home after school?

Sweet ideas please.. THnx for the answers if any!! Much appreciated!

2007-02-10 19:15:32 · 4 answers · asked by AnimAsian™ 3 in Valentine's Day

Today, at age 22, I basically found out my dad is an Atheist. He believes in a concept of god like the one Einstein did (i.e. The universe and existance is god). All my youth I was taught the religious BS by my mom who know is now becoming a deist thanks to me. So, did you grow up in an Atheist (or secular) household or a religious one? How did it impact you?

2007-02-10 19:14:04 · 13 answers · asked by Alucard 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I've been reading a lot of posts on Yahoo Answers and it seems as though most people cannot spell. The spelling of most of the posts I've seen is truly terrible. The posts where the person can spell properly are a very small percentage compared to the posts where the spelling is terrible. Why is that? Has the education system in our country become that bad? Any thoughts? Thanks

2007-02-10 19:13:05 · 7 answers · asked by art_flood 4 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-02-10 19:12:52 · 3 answers · asked by mujaly_rashad 1 in Languages

Some churches take it to mean that we should go door to door to teach about church traditions and doctrines. Others think it means that Paul went from house to house of the believers to teach them...much as we might go to our weekly Bible studies at the church on Wednesday or some other night.

2007-02-10 19:10:27 · 14 answers · asked by Jalapinomex 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I was salted with fire and no what the pains of damnation are. You people who live like their is no punishment your !@#$$%. Life on earth is short the soul never dies. For you with all this wisdom, the soul is you. This is the fruit if you will. For you from me, The pains of damnation are referd to as fire because that is one of the pains but others are so bad fire is the only way to describe it,Horror. Remember a person reaps what they sew, spiritually gatherd up and sewn in the soul. Diferen't places of punishment dungeons if you will no lie. Words spoken against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come. Read the parable about the weeds being placed in Bundels that Jesus spoke then read Revelations Death and Hades giving up the dead in them and then thrown into lake of fire another place and final judgment. Please listen Im not lieing.

2007-02-10 19:08:56 · 22 answers · asked by chucky 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I already bought a gift but my gf wants to do something special that I planned. It sucks and I have no ideas and no money. Please help.

2007-02-10 19:08:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Valentine's Day

My questions are focused to the blacks.

How many blacks alive today in America,
live as slaves? None.

How many white people own slaves? None.

Because of this stark reality, reparations will
never be paid.

2007-02-10 19:07:15 · 14 answers · asked by Chicago Minority 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-02-10 19:05:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

do you prefer skinny?
or with more to love?

why? and call me.


2007-02-10 19:05:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

What things do vampires like?
What things can be associated to vampires?
Think about this: What can lestat/dracula offer his future wife or queen to please her?

pls help me. i need this for making my poem in english. thanks.

2007-02-10 19:04:24 · 7 answers · asked by nickey 2 in Mythology & Folklore

I'm quoting here what some atheist said about religion.

"Of _course_ atheists read religious books. How else do you think we know so much about their nonsense? "
MC HUmmer

Why would anyone with common sense or a good education waiste their time reading something that was nonsense or something they didn't want to believe, (unless they were required by an instructor or teacher). The only people who would do that would be people with the intention of using it to decieve people. I have never waisted my time reading or learning about something that I thought was stupid or false doctrine. I don't want to be decieved and it serves no purpose to read something written by someone who was stupid or misinformed.

2007-02-10 19:04:00 · 17 answers · asked by dalan0201 2 in Religion & Spirituality

In my culture, we have a way of giving advice. It goes like this:

"I advice myself before I advice you"

Each advice we give, we say this. It is just to not let us turn into hypocrites or infect ourselves with ignorant and arragonce. So why don't we try this out? When giving advice we say "I advice myself before I advice you, it's wrong to judge others."

There's no harm in trying, we can turn into better people. More humble, more intelligent, less ignorant and so much more.

There's nothing wrong with trying this out, so why don't you give it a go? Love and peace?

2007-02-10 19:02:37 · 7 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-02-10 19:02:32 · 5 answers · asked by thesunshineking 2 in Valentine's Day

4:24 At a Lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses* and was about to kill him.
25 But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses' feet with it**. "Surely, you are a bridegroom of blood to me," she said.
26 So the LORD let him alone. (At that time she said "bridegroom of blood," referring to circumcision.)

* Or Moses' son; Hebrew him.
** Or "and drew near Moses' feet"

Will appreciate all perspectives on this: Jewish, Christian or Muslim.

Thank you! and Peace be with you.

2007-02-10 19:01:50 · 7 answers · asked by 99 ways to smile 4 in Religion & Spirituality


i was wondering if anyone knows where you can buy the bible in 18 point type in the uk? Can anyone help?

2007-02-10 19:00:44 · 3 answers · asked by Darren M 1 in Religion & Spirituality

i want to know how to place and use cutlery at a restaurant. for example how to place the cutlery when you have finished eating and how to place if you still want to continue.

2007-02-10 18:58:26 · 6 answers · asked by sonu 2 in Etiquette

whats a good place go

2007-02-10 18:57:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Valentine's Day

i hear ppl say that a lot....

2007-02-10 18:56:43 · 23 answers · asked by Jam 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

If you believe everything in the bible you will want to know this. You may not have been shown it yet. Jesus foretold the title of the Messiah on His return Mk 8:38. Ezekiel gave the name Ez 43 and Daniel gave the date that Jesus referred to in Mt 24:3,15 "Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?"15 "So when you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)".

11 And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Give yourself a chance.

For the meaning of this go to http://www.bupc.org or email me. I accept email.

2007-02-10 18:56:42 · 8 answers · asked by regmor12 3 in Religion & Spirituality

pls help me, i need this for making my poem in english.
think about this: what can lestat/dracula offer or give to his future queen or wife to please her?
thanks. :)

2007-02-10 18:56:10 · 9 answers · asked by nickey 2 in Mythology & Folklore

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