But is wanting to go enough? Will everyone who wants to go find themselves in Heaven for eternity? If not, what else is necessary for us to live with the Lord after we die? We will search the scriptures and find the answers to these and many other questions. Notice where I said we would find the answers...in the scriptures. An open Bible and an open mind are essential to a proper understanding of God's word. Should you have questions about anything you find on this site please let your Bible be your guide. I’ve provided links to an online Bible should you not have your personal Bible with you. We will be judged by the words spoken by Jesus (John 12:48). These words were not spoken on His own authority, but He spoke only what God instructed Him to speak (John 12:49,50). Men do not have the authority to speak anything more or less than that we have revealed to us in the scriptures. To do so invites error and everlasting punishment. Please do not risk your eternal soul on the opinion of another, no matter how well respected they may be.
I’ve designed the navigation bar to be used from the top down. I begin with an introduction to my website. Next, I’ve provided links for those who are interested in participating in a free home Bible correspondence course or an online series of interactive Bible lessons. The studies I’ve published to my site begin with Jesus Christ. After learning about Jesus and His sufferings on earth the site takes you to a study of religious authority. Christianity, and religion in general, is filled with differing opinions and ideas. We must understand where to find true religious authority if we’re going to be pleasing to God. As you continue down the series of lessons you’ll learn about belief, salvation, discipleship, God’s calling, grace, the church and the reality of hell. The next series of studies is designed to address issues that divide Christianity into the 34,000 different religious organizations we have today. In this section we’ll look at the sinner’s prayer and the teachings of several different Christian denominations. In the next section you’ll find a study of different non-Christian religions. The final section includes a number of newspaper articles (“It is Settled”), topical studies, word studies, Spanish language articles, poetry and humorous short stories. I’ve added a guestbook, links page and my e-mail address for your use. Please feel free to add your comments to the guestbook or e-mail your questions to me. I’ll be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. This site is a work in progress, so return often and check for newly-published lessons.
God's Word is powerful, able to divide soul from spirit, joints from marrow, and discern the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). I will not try to "soften the blow" the scriptures may inflict on the hearts of those who are actively seeking to understand God's truth. One of the challenges teachers face is to present material to their students in a fashion the students can understand, but not take away from the impact of the material being taught. My goal is to present God's Word in a way that is easily understood by all who are studying with me, but to allow it to use its power for change and to direct the feet of those who are willing to follow its lead along that narrow path to eternal life. Some of my comments may seem strong--they are meant to be. Again I ask that you open the Word of God as we go through our studies and determine for yourselves the truth of His Word. In the end we will each answer for ourselves as we stand before God at the Day of Judgment. I hope the lessons we study together will help you as you continue your walk in this life and prepare you to stand before God in that great Day of Judgment.
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Religion & Spirituality