Domestic violence is a problem that affects men AND women in overwhelming numbers. The difference, however, is that men receive almost zero assistance in terms of shelters, government funding, or even SYMPATHY when they are battered by their wives. There is no "battered husband syndrome" to use as a defense in court, and sometimes even male CHILDREN are turned away from shelters because they'll create a "hostile environment."
This is the newest study that proves yet again that DV is a problem that affects both sexes:
It's nothing new, either. Here's a page that contains the mother lode of studies all showing that women are as violent, if not more violent, as men:
In the face of these facts, why is there so much denial? The best I've ever seen a feminist do in this category is to admit that MAYBE men have a problem, but women have it soooo much worse. Why the dishonesty?
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