Amerika can help poor countries by jusy buying up the agriculture products,then sell it elsewhere.By buying up products they will work hard and prosper,just like China experienced now.Just by giving them money will not solved problems,it is just like giving money to a spoiled brat...buying up produce will move their economy dynamicaly and the will buy from U.S too...when everyone has work to do ,there will less conflict...this may sound naive...but think about buy from them,the have the money,and the will buy from you...thats economy dynamic..santion the economy to try to overturn their regime will fail,just like N.Korea...they will try to defence themselves paranoidically,and build weapon by selling their products cheaply to their neighbor,become poorer ..China communism suddenly found monetary delight and enjoyment,and boy ,they now try hard to sell just anything you could want for your monies,and the not try to invade your country...block their economy...hell break lose!
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