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Dream Interpretation

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Dream Interpretation

I am with my friends and we are going to class. we enter a room full of chairs and everyone chooses one for themselves, and I pick a great chair but i find it's shorter than all the others and I am disappointed.
we enter a second room full of computers..and everyone finds a computer for themselves. I search and search but they are ether broken, weird or taken. then I see this amazing computer..all silver and shiny..but there is a baby sitting in front of it. I have second thoughts but eventually sit down in front of it, take the baby in may arms and say: "I will work with this one, share it with the baby, the poor thing-- her mom died 10 month ago"..

what the hell can this mean?!

2007-07-06 03:18:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was looking at a wedding album of a friend, in reality and in the dream she is divorced with two male children, as I am looking through this album which the photos are normal, I turn the next page and there are two 50cm Lobsters with black elastic bands holding the lobsters to the page, I turn the next several pages with each page with Lobsters per page, one red and one black.
What does this mean??

2007-07-06 01:12:02 · 8 answers · asked by MariaAntonietta 4

Im married and about to have a kid. The bf who came before my husband died 4 years ago. Last night, I dreamt of my late bf. He's face and expression was really vivid. In my dream, I hugged and kissed him on the cheek and he said "I should not be forgotten and should be continuously be loved." What does this mean?

2007-07-06 00:44:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i quite often dream about snakes, and the dreams i are so real i wake up with a fright.
generally there are thounsands of them on the floor all intertwined and hissing. one or two will then come up on to the bed and under the sheets. it is at this time i wake up and literally bound out of the bed and turn the light on, some times sweating and feeling ill. can anyone help me interpret this dream. it is always the same dream.

2007-07-06 00:23:36 · 10 answers · asked by Rae m 3

Years ago, when we had just 2 children I had a dream that there was a fire. My husband smokes and I come from a family of firefighters, so I am always afraid my husband cigarette will accidently catch something on fire.

One night I had a dream of a fire. In my dream I went downstairs and I was trying to figure out where the fire was (it was a dream afterall, so it was not obvious at first.) I first looked outside where my husband smokes, there was no fire there, but there were firemen rushing past me, going inside my house. So I looked at them, they went in the hallway and pointed towards the bathroom.

I woke up right at that moment. I could not shake it, and HAD to get up and look around our home for a fire. I checked on the kids, then went downstairs. No fire. I looked outside where my husband smokes, no fire. So remembering what was in my dream, I went towards the bathroom. The iron had been left ON in there and the bathroom was hot. No fire, but still, scary!

2007-07-05 21:21:52 · 11 answers · asked by Just me 5

In the dream i'm living in some type of city near an ocean, and my mom, fiancee and our 1 yr old son are walking around town when all of a sudden it starts raining like crazy, and the water starts rising high really fast and everyone is running around and its chaotic, it starts to get dark and i can hardly see anything. I'm trying to make sure we all stay together , my mom cant swim, and i'm trying to help her and i'm holding my son sooo tight cuz i'm scared of losing him, all of a sudden i can't see where my fiance is, and i lose grip of my son and my mom starts having a panic attack in the water cuz shes scared of drowning, finally i find a building that we can climb up as we go up i'm crying hysterically cause i lost my son, then a lady comes out of nowhere and hands him to me i'm so happy but sad cause i still dont know what happend to my fiance..i woke up with actual tears and felt devestated. I always dream about natural disasters and losing my son.

2007-07-05 16:39:59 · 12 answers · asked by cacs1819 1

and i saw him at a party and i said isnt that my uncle anyways was he trying to send me a message or is it good luck

2007-07-05 11:36:28 · 2 answers · asked by dvcgurl 7

okay I been having dreams for the past year. my father get these feelings and dreams that comes true. my grandma use to have them too. when I was a kid my grandma will tell me about them and i think she was trying to trick me because I always wish i could do something kool. she also told me oneday when you turn 16 your life will change for better but be ready for all the pain you will get she told me this when I was 12 and I thought that's the way of life duh! now when I turn 16 on feb. my birthday I have dreams like i'm in deja vu, it happens in my dreams and then it comes true. I'll give you one: me and my best freind was talking on da phone about her boyfreind well i hang up and went to sleep then I have this dream that she called me and crying mad because she found out she pregant. this came true and scare me I told my freind and she thinks I have powers. I flick it off. but then the different dreams keep coming back why!?

2007-07-05 11:26:24 · 5 answers · asked by ms.watkins859 2

Last night, or somewhere in my sleep cycle, I had a dream that i was being attacked by two huge birds. They appeared to be of relation to pigeons. As I was walking pass, the first bird swooped low over my head, as I ducked the second one swooped in. Then they both started circling over me as I looked in amazement! Then a little later in the dream, I was walking into a store where a little bee was bent on trying to sting me...Now I know the story of "The Birds & The Bees", but I don't think this is in anyway similar. So please tell me what on earth this means!?

2007-07-05 11:22:56 · 4 answers · asked by Kendra B 2

and how do I say "im serious" in french.

2007-07-05 10:26:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dreamed there was this little girl who was spiritually intune. She is someone who can see ghosts, etc. and believes there is a god, however she does not belong to a religion. Well, for some reason or another, she was on top of a water fall, with very jagged rocks below her, but not going all the way down. After the jagged rocks is nothing but water falling. This waterfall was extremely high. I can see her from a distance. I'm on a boulder off the river or lake where the water falls. Anyway, this girl is falling through the jagged rocks of the water fall, and she is falling without any fear, and it's because she has so much faith. She survived the fall, and it's like she survived because of her faith. As if she survived, only because she knew she would, you know what I mean? But she only knew she would survive, because she knew that she was being watched over. Anyway, I was wondering if any out there could explain this to me...

PS, I don't believe in ghosts or God...

2007-07-05 10:03:28 · 4 answers · asked by ? 3

I have dreams all the time about other people, usually one's I don't know. Like I'm watching a movie. Sometime's I'm one of the people involved in the dream but it's not me. This ever happen to anyone else?

2007-07-05 08:55:56 · 1 answers · asked by Thomas 2

I had this one dream. Okie. Before I tell you about it I'm going to tell you things that happened before I had this dream. OKie. I am, like, totally addicted to sweet tea. Yes, I'm from Arkansas. Anyways. My mom is also an alcoholic. I live with my aunt but I am going back with her. She's supposably gone to rehab. Anyways. The dream. My house started to flood of ice tea- I don't know if it was sweet but I betcha it was -and then my mom was like .. riding the tea. o_0 And she went reallly small, like, an inch tall or something. And then the last thing that happened before I woke up is that the iced tea sucked my mom down the toilet.


2007-07-05 08:41:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people leave stupid and rude answers to people with real questions? Don't they have a life?
I know lots of people leave dumb comments to the dream section. How do we get rid of these kinds of people with no lives and just want to put people down to make themselves feel better? Maybe..

2007-07-05 08:39:06 · 8 answers · asked by HmMm. 4

Last night I had a dream, that I was in a room with two of my friends and the window was opened, and in flew a black bat and it was flying all in the room. We were screaming and trying to open the door so it could fly out, I think there might have been a second bat as well. The bat/s were black. I read the following online: Bats
Awful is the fate of the unfortunate dreamer of this ugly animal.

Sorrows and calamities from hosts of evil work against you. Death of parents and friends, loss of limbs or sight, may follow after a dream of these ghoulish monsters. A white bat is almost a sure sign of death. Often the death of a child follows this dream.

Could it mean anything else? Now I am worried...it might also be that a couple of weeks ago I was watching The Munsters and the grandpa turned into a bat and went into a dorm room where there were these 2 girls,....
but I dont know?

2007-07-05 07:52:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dreamt that someone had put all kinds of needles in my tongue and that I was scared to talk cause one of them got loose and I almost swallowed it. My daughter started helping me and there was also a small kind of scissors like for cuticles, in and out of my tongues skin also! What could this mean?? I have been going through alot with my ex, fighting him for custody of our two small children. Also recently, my current boyfriend was cheating on me with an 18 year old. I wanted to leave him but Im pregnant and am so confused with all of lifes bringings.... Not only that, but this 18 year old got pregnant too. She has been leaving me some pretty mean texts like "yeah, you wash his clothes but I take them off". Dedicating me some mean cheating songs. Honestly I think she did some voodoo on me cause I have had some pretty bad bad luck lately. I even went to jail.... for 2 weeks!!! Thats how this whole cusotdy thing happened. ANYWAYS SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!! WHAT DOES THIS DREAM MEAN??

2007-07-05 06:23:32 · 4 answers · asked by M 2

I had a dream last night that I was at a picnic with a bunch of people. I only remember two people in the dream. One is my friend (that I like) and the other is his girlfriend. The weird thing was they sat near each other but did not talk at all. What on earth does this mean?

2007-07-05 05:18:04 · 12 answers · asked by kaymay09 4

I'm in a hotel and there is a light hum and the whole place goes up in flames I run to all the exits I can but none of them open then one of the windows opens but that turns into a wall when the building starts to collapse and I wake up frying and I'm usually at the window

This is freaking me out can anybody tell me why this is happening

2007-07-05 05:16:47 · 21 answers · asked by the_music_in_my_ear 1

Okay this is a really weird situation I'm in, but I'd like some people's opinions so I will explain. And no I am not crazy.
Ever since I was about 8 I've had this reoccuring dream, well it's not the exact same dream, but all my dreams have been based in this one town. Like every single dream. I will be doing different things in each dream, but it's all in this same mysterious place. Anyway, I moved over to the UK from NZ about a year ago, and I was just watching some travel vids on the UK to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into and there were little video snippets of pretty places, and come hum come ho there was the place in my dreams! It said it was in Cornwall, but didn't say specifically where. Now after a lot of research I have found this 'dream' place, but the problem is I'm only in the UK for another month before my visa expires and I'm going home, and funds are really, REALLY tight at the moment. Do you think I should go see this place, or just give it a miss?

2007-07-05 01:27:39 · 8 answers · asked by josietheninja 2

In the dream, i woke up in a bathtub. I walked outside of my house and it was snowing. There were little mounds of dirt everywhere from mice digging under our house and vehicles. Then, after i looked at the mice, a devilish man appeared, and told me that satan wanted a ocean. After that, i somehow warped to a bus stop with a guy wearing a blue jean jacket, blue jeans and a green shirt, brown eyes, and a blue bandanna. He ashed if the city would last, i said it was going down, he knew what i meant. After meeting him, i warped up to my house again, where the devil dude was, he started and smashed my house into the ground, and then started to crush our cars. my brother tried to stop his car from being crushed and he did, but then the devil spwaned spiders to scare him out. After all the cars were crushed, i was warped back to the dude from the busstop, but in a boat, he was pointing to where my house was before it was crushed. I then warped back up to my house.

2007-07-04 20:31:55 · 6 answers · asked by stephen 1

I have had two dreams multiple times. I would like to get info on them.

1. I have dream that I'm inside a coffin buried under ground many times. In all of those dreams I try to get out, but I can't. After a while the dream fades or I wake up.

2. I have dream that I'm surrounded by snakes. Not just average snakes, but Cobras and Pythons. Cobras always stick out. They are always in my back yard. The yard is infested with them. In one dream there were also crocodiles all over the place. Most of the snake dreams are about Cobras. The funny thing about this dream, I'm never scared but always cautious trying to get every one away from yard. Just in one dream, do I chop its head off.

2007-07-04 20:01:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Year1979,. 1980-ish, Sunday about 12:30 maybe 1:00pm-I was cleaning my apartment, and standing between the couch & coffee table I lit a cigarette. My field of vision changed-I was now standing at the window which faced north- the curtains were no longer there-the building on the other side of my apartment complex was not there either. Then the three blasts & mushroom clouds simaltaniously- I thought LAX airport-my apartment was in Lawndale- the direction I as looking was towartds LAX. As I stood, I saw & felt the shockwave-it blew the apartment building away-I still stood and felt the heat and could taste the radiation. Still standing feeling the energy my vision switched back to me standing between the couch & coffee table with a cigarette between my fingers in one hand and the lighter in the other.
I was an emotional mess and didn't talk to anyone for a week or so. It's still clear in my head as if it happened yesterday.
Vision, Waking Dream or dimensional bleed through?

2007-07-04 19:26:08 · 7 answers · asked by Larkztongue 2

I've never met or seen the guy i dreamt about and i was in a place that i've never been and was in a store that me and the people i asked didn't even knew existed when i dreamt of it but then looked it up after my dream and its surely real, and in a place where i've never been before. i cannot get this guy out of my head. What does this mean?

2007-07-04 18:40:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

With growing regularity I find myself smoking a cigarette in my dreams. I don't smoke, nor have I ever smoked. I do however live with someone who does and at first I thought maybe I'm jonesing for tobacco in my sleep as a result of some weird second-hand smoke symptom, but I doubt that's it. In my most recent dream I was just looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, checking how I looked from all angles, trying to look cool I guess, haha. But what does it mean?

2007-07-04 18:08:37 · 7 answers · asked by Katie 2

I dream of a bathrooms like every other dream. Nothing happens in there. It's just me checking out different kinds of bathrooms. Big bathrooms, small bathrooms, Hospital bathrooms, old rusty bathrooms, public bathrooms, bathrooms with fish swimming in the toilets, Bathrooms with five tiolets too a stall. Whats the deal With this? I have an obsession with dreaming about bathrooms. Every bathroom is unique but nothing ever happens.

2007-07-04 17:33:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 10:54:16 · 7 answers · asked by ♫amazing♫ 3

I was just wondering cause I was bored and I rember most of my dreams.

2007-07-04 06:10:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 03:17:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-04 02:30:26 · 6 answers · asked by yvette l 1

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