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Dream Interpretation

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Have any weird dreams? I have like the weirdest dreams ever i swear! Anybody have any weird ones?

2007-07-02 06:46:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night i had a dream that burger king sold McGriddles, but only they were Galumkies (don't think i spelled that right), a polish meal thats cabbage filled up with meat and rick...but i'm NOT POLiSH!!! lol and then we went rock climbing and we thought we forgot my 15 month old cousin but she made it up to the top before we even did...lol
no more very large ice cream bowls after 1:00 a.m.

2007-07-02 05:03:35 · 8 answers · asked by babycakes112892 1

My 2 yr old wakes up and tells me that Mary was chasing her in her dream and then says to herself "don't worry it wasn't a ghost it was just make believe". I thought she was referring to Mary Jesus mother until my husband reminded me that the woman that lived in the house before us was MaryJane. She passed away not even a yr before we moved in. This is freaking me out and would like some feedback and insight from others in interpreting this dream.

2007-07-02 04:02:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

for more than two and half months.

In the dream I was in the funeral home supervising the workers getting his body ready for the funeral but some one dropped him and he fell on his face. I was furious and was trying to punish the idiot who did it(but didn't know who it was) and I remember in the dream that I spoke to the head undertaker(in real life).then later in the dream my father was laid on a table in a room, I was standing there and all of a sudden he woke up and started to move and get off the table. Of course in the dream I was overjoyed that he came back to life.

I know it's rather silly to be dwelling on this since I witnessed him being cremated and I picked one of his bones up and put it into an urn. Missing him terribly, I am just curious if this dream has any significant implication.

2007-07-02 03:05:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

At least I think it was a dream Itold my mum and sister what the messages were but they didn't know what they mean could it be about something in the future
for my mum it was Follow your heart and everything will be ok and for my sister it was find out whats making your heart so heavy then you can move on both were very close to her as we all were what does this mean

2007-07-02 02:45:20 · 4 answers · asked by ROCK CHICK 3

Ok i usually refer to my book for this but this dream i feel deserved special attention..
I was in my car in a small car park somewhere near a big field, the was a party across the street i was suppose to be at with all my friends...it was raining...it was dark, there were a few street lights on...there was a spirit present, being very mischievous...it started to toy with my car and mess with me by moving it forward a bit, i got out to see and then it tossed my bag out and took off down the field, i ran after my car in the rain and somehow jumped this huge hedge to grab onto the car but i landed in the mud..i gave up and walked back to find my bag but it was gone with all my things in...i was really really upset and this strange woman started talking to me and looking at me funny..i went inside the house to tell everyone, they were really concerned until they came outside with me to see that the car and my bag were still there, they all thought i was crazy and wouldn't believe me...

2007-07-01 22:16:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i was young something happened to me and that is why i dream this. well no one really close to me died except my grandpa when i was 10 but this dream has kept with me till now and now and then its come back. there is no one around no one taking its just a nice bluelake with caskets floating in the water. there are no trees or nothing. I have thought and thought about it and to my knowledge ican't remember anyone saying nothing to me about stuff in the dream. there was also another dream about me waking up suddenly and a green skull hanging in the air above me just in the air and i swear i was awake but not sure i used to have horrible dreams an they scared me now they dont'. but i am not sure what this meant. i know that i have one son who has nite terrors and i have never heart what his dreams were either. but he'd had them since he was 2 mos old and i remember he'd cry and cry and then i finally realized when he got older

2007-07-01 16:59:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this dream now and then since i was a child. it was of a very pretty lake blue as can be. In the lake there are caskets just floating around and there is blue skies and stuff thereis nothing else tosay but its justl ike that and i wake up. what does this mean

2007-07-01 16:30:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dream a lot, and I often have very intense dreams. Sometimes I remember very well the overall feeling behind the dream and some details, but I almost never have a dream that is like a story--the dream as a whole just doesn't make any sense. When my husband tells me his dreams, it sounds like he's reading a piece from Life! magazine or something. But to give an example, last night I dreamed that I went with Woodrow Wilson to see a Tracy Chapman concert. In the dream, I thought WW was falling in love with Tracy Chapman when he was actually falling in love with me. There was an amphibious rabbit living in a fishtank that was somehow involved too, but I really couldn't tell you how. I have no particular strong interest in Woodrow Wilson, Tracy Chapman, or rabbits, and it probably sounds like I'm trying to make up a particularly silly dream, but I'm not--that's what I dreamed! I'd just like some insight into how the unconscious mind comes up with such weird stuff.

2007-07-01 12:58:29 · 3 answers · asked by Leslie D 4

We were walking heard a strange rumbling started to run and everything was fine. but than I realized my son was missing.
Never did find him ended up waking up.

Lost a friend sept 11th and also work on recovery sept 12th. but haven't had any dreams of either.

So what do you think this meant.

2007-07-01 10:36:48 · 6 answers · asked by G O 5

My little cousin (she's 8) has nightmares almost every night. They're about random stuff, to. One of them was about packmen, another one she was on a train and she jumped off and tried to walk home but when she asked some men who were chopping wood for directions, they chopped her up.

She does not watch scary movies or anything similar to them. For one, she hates them and will leave the room if they come on TV. I was talking to her about her nightmares and she said that before she goes to sleep she'll repeat over and over that they are just dreams and she can wake herself up. She then say that it sometime works, and that she'll be in the middle of a chase between her and a leprechaun and she will stop and tell herself that it isn't real and she'll wake up. But, this doesn't always work....so, any suggestions?

oh, and I didn't really know where to put this question...

2007-07-01 09:43:55 · 9 answers · asked by Isis 4

I passed by the street and noticed in my right side something behind the bushes which is not meant to be seen. It was a basketful of bread under the canopy of tree. The bread is about twice the size of the palm and was purple or violet in color. I took as much as I can, some fell to the ground but managed to pick it up as I was struggling to reach home. I didn't hesitate to share/give it all to people(relatives) who are inside the house.

I know the dream was good because I woke up feeling good. While I may understood what the dream is all about. I need to hear your thought on this one please.

2007-07-01 09:06:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont really remember alot of detail all i remember is violence, and alot of danger to all society. People were setting off bombs and i was running on what seemed like a dark gravel road and woods on each side people were in the distance killing......and i heard men's voices yelling " why are you doing this",...i was with someone cant make out who it is but i think it was a boy about my age and i'm 18. Basically it seemed like some type of terroist or gang...or some act against people. Thats all i remember now..but i remember thinking i was going to get killed or that i was dying.

Now i dont really take to heart what dreams mean sooo much but it helps me to figure where these emotions are steming from when i analyze my dreams because all my dreams seem very relevant most of the time. Anyways...what does this mean?

2007-07-01 08:32:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dreamt about my mom being pregnant. what does that mean?

2007-07-01 08:17:09 · 6 answers · asked by angelkid45916 1

i had a dream that i went on this ride that swung really high in the air. it was a really out there ride. i was scared to go on it then i decided to go on it. i thought i would get hurt. i went on and it was really fun and i went on a few times more..

what is this dream trying to tell me?

2007-07-01 07:56:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had the same nightmare/dream for 8 years its not that it scares me anymore because it has changed but when i have this dream i know that day will be an emotional day. I will cry for no reason and have panic attacks for no reason. I try to contral them but the dream i am sure brings the emotioal crap to the surfous. HOw do i stop these nightmare/dreams?

2007-07-01 06:06:24 · 10 answers · asked by rainmichelle2007 2

As my alarm was going off the other day, I was dreaming that my husband and I couldn't get the alarm clock turned off. We unplugged it and pulled out battery after battery, and we continued to hear the annoying "meep meep meep." Then I started asking people walking by if they thought the beeping was annoying. They acted like they had no clue what I was talking about. Any idea what this means?

2007-07-01 03:54:10 · 3 answers · asked by Gabby_Gabby_Purrsalot 7

I have ....,all last week I was completely exhausted due to my dreamy sleep time that wore me out.
I dreamt I was in my old neighborhood that I grew up in and a Rhinosorris ran in front of my car and then flew off into the grape vineyards......then I couldn't get my car out of my driveway becasue there was a street fair going on in front of my house.
I was late to work and called my boss and lied my pretty head off about my whereabouts etc....OMG it just goes on and on.

2007-07-01 03:25:33 · 8 answers · asked by FYIIM1KO 5

ok so i am 21 and Ive been happily married for almost a year... My husband and I share a gorgeous child...Every night I have a dream that my husband cheats on me or hangs around another girl! My husband is a great guy so i dont understand why I have these dreams EVERY night.

For those of you who interpert dreams any ideas?

2007-07-01 02:37:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having a relationship with a widower. we were close friends before his wife died and I was his shoulder to dry on during her illness and after she died. we are now lovers. Hefeels guilty about this and so do I at times. However I have been having deams about his late wife. and in them we are all friends together, They are together in my dreams but I am a welcome guest in their house. I know he loved her deeply, I'm not out to replace her what does the dream mean?

2007-07-01 01:56:20 · 7 answers · asked by Ellie G 2

Last night and several times before i have dreams where i cant open my eyes. Like i know whats around me in my dream and i vagley remember what happens, during my dream though when i try and open my eyes it hurts and i have to shut them again. what does it mean?

2007-07-01 01:52:38 · 4 answers · asked by jreeses2673 4

I was having a very vivid, powerful dream, (it revolved around trying to find out why a computer gaming friend of mine is no longer speaking to me), then suddenly at the end, out of nowhere my grandfather just walked up to me and looked me square in the face; he was instantly recognisable, do you have ideas what his appearance might mean? Do you have any experience in this sort of stuff? His sudden appearence was very emotional for me, it touched me deeply; why would he just suddenly appear like that?
If you choose to respond, please understand that I know there are websites where you can get your dreams analysed; that's not what I've come here for, if I want a website for dream analysis, I'll look one up; thankyou kindly for understanding my decision. :)
For the record, my grandfather died back in 1982, and has been sorely missed by everyone in our family, although he is rarely mentioned; we all know we all loved him.
Your input here would be precious to me; thankyou again. :)

2007-06-30 22:13:01 · 10 answers · asked by wildimagination2003 4

It's was like a painting. but slowly moving.
I saw a dark sky with some orange and red clouds. As I looked down I saw three figures standing on what appreared to be small cliffs. just below that I saw people fighting with swords. I was also fighting with a sword and a shield. I heard my name being called and I Looked up because it seemed like it came from above.
When I looked around, I was surrounded by light. It seemed to light up the ground and people around me. Then I defended myself with my sword and my shield, as three warriors attacked at the same time. Then I heard my name called again, twice. I was on one knee holding my shield high deflecting a blow from one of the three. Then I heard my name called again and I woke.
This dream is happening more frequently. (did I spell that right). I am having difficulty falling asleep after as I try to figure out what's going on. I vibrate after I wake up and as it slows down, I thimk I fall asleep. I Dont feel like there nightmares.

2007-06-30 18:54:20 · 5 answers · asked by eaglestalon 2

This happens quite often in my dreams; I try to look into a mirror. Obviously I don't "see" my "real" reflection. Mostly it is just a blur of distorted shapes and silhouettes. Has any one else tried to look in a mirror in their dreams? What do you see? What does that theme mean? I'm assuming that it has something to do with how I see myself.

2007-06-30 18:35:43 · 5 answers · asked by dark_knight_1735 4

My dreams....I usually have several a day...they jump from one dream to another...and i always seem pressed for time...in a hurry...or anxious in my dreams. Some of them look like video games too. It's weird. I sleep about 14hrs a day too. I sleep way too much. It's how I escape. Anyone else do this or have weird a*s dreams that don't make sense?

2007-06-30 18:12:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm trying to figure out a dream in which I'm walking through a cemetery and each of the tombstones I pass has a letter of my last name (example would be the 1st tombstone I pass has an A, then the 2nd has a p, and so one until my last name is completely spelled out.) If anyone has any suggestions as to any symbolism in this dream or any good dream interpretation web sites I would be grateful.

2007-06-30 07:54:07 · 6 answers · asked by timothy_bledsoe 1

2007-06-30 07:35:44 · 4 answers · asked by me2 5

I had a dream last night about a wolf trying to get into my house. The top half of its body was grey fur and the lower half was green. I need a dream interpreter quick. My dreams drive me crazy.

2007-06-30 06:44:52 · 5 answers · asked by Annabelle 4

I had a dream about a black mamba snake. I was with a friend and he and I were playing around and he lifted me up off the ground to spin me around and that was when I saw the snake coiled on the ground just looking! What does this mean?? Should I worry? My mother said snakes in dreams means you have an enemy! Is this true?

2007-06-30 06:37:34 · 8 answers · asked by Hella Woman 1

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