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Dream Interpretation

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I was dreaming, and I was at a school/church type thing. And there was this group of 'slow' kids walking near me, and I started running away from them, but this girl caught up to me and grabbed me and I couldn't get away. Then she kept trying to kiss me and I wasn't trying hard to stop her (she looked really familiar from my life but I have no clue who it was, and I don't think she is 'slow' in real life). Then the teacher came over and was like, "YOU RAPIST" and I said I didn't have sex with the girl, and she kissed me and that was it. Then a sermon or something started and I was trying to run away because they're boring and the teacher and the girl I kissed were holding me there. Then I woke up.

It was messed up, just had to let someone know about it. You can guess at what it means, but I really have thought about it all day and I don't have a clue.

2007-07-19 09:13:26 · 2 answers · asked by Dream Reality 1

and it is the first dream he can ever remember having. He found it quite disturbing and woke up shouting. He said he was in a cemetary and something was scratching words into his back and making it bleed. When he turned round to see what it said, all he could see was a blue mist that was about to grab him. That was when he woke up shouting for it to stop. In all the years I have known him, I have always found it strange that he can never remember a dream, but this one he said, really upset him. Anyone know what this could have meant?

2007-07-19 09:06:44 · 9 answers · asked by Somer 4

Ok well I've been having these same dreams all the time for the past month or so. I started out having them just once in a while, but lately I've been having them EVERY single night. It goes like this, there are tons of smaller average tornadoes everywhere. Me and family/friends are always running from them trying to get away but more and more keep appearing. Then towards the end there is a GIGANTIC and I mean GIGANTIC tornado. I've never had a real life experience in seeing a tornado nor have I watched any movies with tornadoes that would cause the dreams. Does anyone know what they mean? Please help because I think they are trying to tell me something. Thanxx in advance!!!♥♥♥

2007-07-19 07:19:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a dream about a death in my family , it was creepy , my girlfriend had a dream that same night that she was comforting me at a funeral ......now thats just weird !!!!

2007-07-19 07:08:13 · 9 answers · asked by Facesmash 2

im always talking to people in my dreams, whether its someone i know or some stranger, what does it mean if you keep talking to people in your dreams?

2007-07-19 05:30:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dreams always seem to involve different houses that I'm living in (in the dream, not for real) that have leaky ceilings. Some worse than others. Alot of them have such severe damage, that I panic about the repair.

I literally can't even say how many times I have had this sort of dream. Any idea what this sort of dream could signify??

2007-07-19 05:26:19 · 9 answers · asked by noway 4


I've had this dream a few time's now, I dream I am numb & can't move or speak & a hand is placed kinda on my shoulder & I can't move it or see who the person is, last time I dreamt it was a pair of hands starting from my head & moving down my body as If healing me but it was scary, I always have dreams where I feel awake & cannot move but the hand one's are new & it takes me ages 2 finally wake myself up & get outta the dream

2007-07-19 05:25:21 · 10 answers · asked by rock_chick28 4

Just started dreaming about smoking for first time.

2007-07-19 05:22:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was standing in front of this larger than life grinning black evil creature and he was holding a white cape and a halo was floating above the cape(it be seemed to belong to me). He threw it around my shoulders and it(the white) disappeared as though invisible then I woke up.

2007-07-19 05:20:58 · 9 answers · asked by In so many words 4

I have a dream every month it is a dog chasing me and right when it is about to bite me i wake up. And i am scared to death of dogs!

2007-07-19 04:59:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had a dream last night that i heard these noises outside and i looked out and i saw something in the sky that looked like a meteor and when i told my husband he looked at me like i was crazy but when he looked there were more coming down and exploding into buildings like bombs. there were allot of people running and allot of people dying.allot of biulding colapsing.
i dont know what to make of this dream.

2007-07-19 04:50:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

she said she suffercated to death.
what does this mean?

2007-07-19 04:49:21 · 10 answers · asked by ... 2

In my dream I got shot with a gun, I can still see and remember the barrel of the gun pointed toward me before I felt the impact of the bullet enter into my stomach and ribs.

This is not the first time I have dreamed of being shot. But it has been at least a year though. Can you explain to me what this may mean?

Thank You

2007-07-19 04:17:30 · 14 answers · asked by Precious Angel 2

I had a bad fever a while back. I was bed-ridden, sweating and really out of it. I thought I was an angel standing in front of a large black valley (The Valley of the Shadow of Death?) and a long procession of American soldiers were walking toward me, still in battle fatigues with their rifles. They were shuffling around in panic, lost in the darkness, and I had to rescue them and calm them down and lead them through the valley to me. As I herded them together, a white, bright star shined above me and I raised my staff and off we all went, rising up toward the bright light. I'm not even religious and I am way too humble to think of myself as an angel or guardian. What the Hell? Should I put good use to it in a story?

2007-07-18 18:26:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had this dream once a week for as long as I can remember, on Wednesday (In the dream its wednesday)I am sleeping and a small door opens above my head. In a space behind the door is the disembodied head of an older man, it is dark green and has indistinct features. I try to close the door, but I never can, and in the middle of screaming, in my dream, I wake up. In the dream I am always wearing a long white cotton nightgown with lace around the collar and sleeves. In the dream I begin screaming for the person who is closest to me. When I was young, it was my parents. Now, it is my partner. They never come, even though I scream for what seems like hours. As I scream, the head floats closer to me and almost goes through the doorway some nights. I wake up terrified, often unable to get back to sleep, even at 3:00 in the morning. If someone has any interpretation for this, please help.
Thanks for you help

2007-07-18 17:35:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, I had this dream about a few weeks before...

I have been looking over the internet for any answer.

For some reason, it seems to keep coming up in my head.
Usually, when I dream, I don't pay much attention to the things that happen. Nothing ever comes out to me like this.

What I am wondering is if anyone knows what any of this signifies.

1 8 0

180 Stands out to me for some reason.
Well, the X is a letter I hardly associate with, but it seems to be there for a reason.

I may be making a big deal out of this, but something seems to push me to find what ANY of this can mean.

I've tried everywhere, every site about dreams.

Nothing, and I'd like to know what this community can tell me.

Hopefully someone can help me out :)

2007-07-18 17:02:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my brother and his ex girlfriend and they havent seen eachother in years so they kind of had a reunion seeing eachother at the park then we went to my old neighbors house and i havent seen her in a while either years in fact

2007-07-18 14:13:58 · 3 answers · asked by dvcgurl 7

I have this recurring dream where I am at the top of a HUGELY tall escalator. A I try to walk down, the steps 'heal over' and the escalator turns into a really frightening slide. I am desperately trying to cling on to the rail, but to no avail...I come crashing down it

I also have a similar dream where I am walking down the corridoors of the tube station (subway) and the same thing happens, the floor turns into a steep slide and it's even worse as there is no rail to hold onto!!

Can you help interpret what this means

Thanks in advance

2007-07-18 13:08:53 · 14 answers · asked by sweetcheeks 2

in my dream, she died but i dinbt know how she die. her body was in my old apartment. my other co-workers were also there.
i havent spoken to her ever since she left.
its been about three weeks. we had a good connection but i dont know what happen we havent talk.

2007-07-18 12:17:50 · 5 answers · asked by teabliss 2

The dream starts off as me being an army soldier. I'm running away from this white dude, also an army soldier, because I know if he touches me I will die. So I run, but fall, I tried to crawl like a baby but I couldn't. When I got back up I figured that I was carrying too much weight on me, since soldiers usually do. So I tooked off my jacket to run faster because he was getting near me. For some reason I run into a deep-hole pit thing and he catches up to me. I cry and tell him that I don't want to die alone so he touches me, which kills me, but he guides my soul to another place so I won't have to be alone. For the rest of the dream I am a ghost around my family members but only my twin sister really notices me. Another dream I had was about my grandmother, who's deceased. In the dream she had a young face and I asked her how she was doing about 5 times.
Can you interpret those dreams for me?

2007-07-18 09:54:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a dream about a squirrel that was coming out of the roof of my house. I saw it and as i approached it moved as to run off scared. But I talked to it, to try to calm it down, and eventually it came down from the roof and began to follow me really close, as wanting me to feed it i suspect. Any ideas on what this dream could be?

2007-07-18 07:01:43 · 5 answers · asked by Frank V 3

i had a very short relationship this year that sprung from a holiday romance.. i packed up my bags and moved country to be with this guy... i loved his whole family and he was a right pig to me and left me hanging and homeless.. i had to leave a beautiful home, some lovely people and a perfect job.. i hate him so much but i keep having dreams about him and i dont understand why.. im always kissing him infront of his new girlfriend.. but im sure that i dont want him back im just sorry it all happened and i had to leave such great people that i met.. so what?? do i need "closure" with him or are the dreams about me missing his family? i just dont get it

2007-07-18 05:34:36 · 5 answers · asked by minx_vs_pheonix 1

Really, and would you own up to it? I was still dreaming when I saw a 'haggered' old womans face right next to my face. I thought I was awake, but I couldn't move or shout out to my husband. I cant remember much more, but I felt genuinely scared because I couldnt control my movements... how'bout you guys and your experiences?

2007-07-18 05:12:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't really remember the entire thing but in the dream I was cheating on my boyfriend who I am with in real life.( I am not thinking about cheating on him at all)I cheated on him with a boy I knew from school. I don't know I was having sex with him ,but I felt like I was pregnant because I had mild cramping in the bottom of my tummy so I was rubbing it and was thinking that it was a little boy and that I was not going to tell my real boyfriend about the pregnancy. For some reason we were staying at some type of camp thingy with a lot of other people I knew from school. Thats the important part I can remember. So from what you have read, what do you think this dream means.

2007-07-18 04:49:42 · 4 answers · asked by •´`·.·´`•Mother.To`·.Be•´`·.·´`• 3

Last night I had a dream about kissing 2 guys -
who I recognized to be people I know in real life.There was my current bf (whom i'm planning on breaking up with because i have feelings for ex)- and my ex bf ( who i still have strong feelings for).We are all really good friends with eachother.

In the dream, the 3 of us were alone in a quiet room.
The guys smiled at me, and both kissed me at the same time.And both smiled at me and didn't seem to notice that there was a love triangle going on.

I've been wondering what this means,and if it will help me decide which of my guy i should choose to be with?

All answers will be appreciated : )

2007-07-18 04:47:30 · 2 answers · asked by ~ Torn Apart at the Seams ~ 1

I think I came pretty close to being killed in the dream, then suddenly at the last moment I woke up with cold chills.

2007-07-18 04:24:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother & I had a rocky relationship all my life. She was dying of cancer, and I visited her every other day for 2 years to help take care of her until she died in her bed Mar. 8, 2001. I was not there at the moment she died, at 2:08pm it was my "off" day...The dreams of arguing & fights are of situations that DID NOT happen when she was alive. She is very vicious in the dreams. She was vicious semi-regularly in life...

2007-07-18 03:15:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having bad reoccuring dreams lately. My first dream was a car crash with my boyfriend....I survived but he didn't. That dream reoccured about 3 times in a row. Then the next dream was a plane crash that took off in the air and then exploded. Killing all passengers except for me. This reoccured 3 times also. I have to fly to Atlanta on Sunday....someone please pray for me.

2007-07-18 03:05:58 · 11 answers · asked by Still Standing 4

I have a dream mostly everynight that im either getting stabbed, stabbing someone, being chased and attacked or getting shot..and i can actually feel it when i get shot. Does anyone know what this could mean or if it even means anything..

2007-07-17 19:10:28 · 1 answers · asked by D100 1

a two years ago when i was 18 ,i dreamt that i was seting on a green hill top holding with my arm around a women and i was happy and the sun was was shining bright and i think i felt warm. all that was happening in my life ,that could of caused the dream was i experamented(did sexual things ) with a girl.
So what do my dream mean?

2007-07-17 18:54:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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