The theory of evolution constitutes the so-called scientific basis of various ideologies such as communism, fascism, and racism that are derived from materialist philosophy. This ideological framework is what lies behind its persistent promulgation over the last 130 years
Hitler based his ideas on the superiority of the Aryan race on the theory of evolution. When writing his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), he was even inspired by the Darwinist concept of struggle for life. In the posters used in the war years for Nazi propaganda, the Nazis used to designate the human races other than the Aryan race as "De Beestmensch" (The Beast men). It was "Darwinism" that provided the "scientific" grounds for defining human beings as "the beast men".
Karl Marx, the founder of communism, was an atheist who was extremely antagonistic towards religion. Because the theory of evolution deniedthe existence of God, Marx ardently defended this theory. He had such a big fondness for Darwin that he even dedicated his book, Das Kapital, to Darwin and included a handwritten statement "To Darwin, from a true admirer of him, Karl Marx" in the German edition of the book. Marx thought that the theory of evolution was the materialists’ biggest weapon in their war against religion.
The theory of evolution and racism are closely related. The ideology of evolution considers man only as a "species". According to evolution, the inferiority of some races in comparison to other races is very natural. In 1904, an African native named "Ota Benga" was identified as "a primitive species affirming the theory of evolution" and was exhibited in a cage along with apes. In the same manner, the founders of America, who regarded Indians as an "inferior race closer to animals", did not refrain from "hunting" them like animals.
How can you say all the wars and hate is the fault of God or religion?
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