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The theory of evolution constitutes the so-called scientific basis of various ideologies such as communism, fascism, and racism that are derived from materialist philosophy. This ideological framework is what lies behind its persistent promulgation over the last 130 years

Hitler based his ideas on the superiority of the Aryan race on the theory of evolution. When writing his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), he was even inspired by the Darwinist concept of struggle for life. In the posters used in the war years for Nazi propaganda, the Nazis used to designate the human races other than the Aryan race as "De Beestmensch" (The Beast men). It was "Darwinism" that provided the "scientific" grounds for defining human beings as "the beast men".

Karl Marx, the founder of communism, was an atheist who was extremely antagonistic towards religion. Because the theory of evolution deniedthe existence of God, Marx ardently defended this theory. He had such a big fondness for Darwin that he even dedicated his book, Das Kapital, to Darwin and included a handwritten statement "To Darwin, from a true admirer of him, Karl Marx" in the German edition of the book. Marx thought that the theory of evolution was the materialists’ biggest weapon in their war against religion.

The theory of evolution and racism are closely related. The ideology of evolution considers man only as a "species". According to evolution, the inferiority of some races in comparison to other races is very natural. In 1904, an African native named "Ota Benga" was identified as "a primitive species affirming the theory of evolution" and was exhibited in a cage along with apes. In the same manner, the founders of America, who regarded Indians as an "inferior race closer to animals", did not refrain from "hunting" them like animals.

How can you say all the wars and hate is the fault of God or religion?

2007-06-21 15:40:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Anthropology

14 answers

Who says "all the wars and hate is the fault of God or religion"? No one is blaming God or religion. Even the most cursory survey of history illustrates that most wars occur for two reasons: territorial expansion or religious domination. Clearly, people initiate war.

And, actually, there is an even more recent example of someone in the public eye twisting the principles of evolution to support their racist beliefs: William Shockley, a brilliant scientist who discovered the transistor, then went on to use his renown to put forth his racist ideas, based upon his own interpretation of the theory of natural selection. He really wasn't dealing with evolution, but that's another matter.

Just because Hilter tried to co-opt evolution for his own purposes, does not invalidate the theory. And BTW, Marx was reacting reasonably to the class system in the Europe of his time. His ideas have been discredited within a century after his death, but he was well intentioned and internally consistant.

2007-06-21 17:13:21 · answer #1 · answered by Molly McTrouble 4 · 2 0

Actually, Hitler WAS a Christian, and I can show you dozens of quotes from Hitler himself on the subject. However, that's not really the point I want to make right now. I agree with one thing you ask, and that's "How can you say all the wars and hate is the fault of God or religion?" I don't, actually, think that all the wars and hate, or really even a large percentage of the wars and hate are the sole fault of religion. It is true that there have been many wars fought in the name of God and in the name of religion. The Bible and other religious literature has been quoted many a time as an excuse as to why someone should be condemned. (In other words, hated.) I think, though, that the REAL cause of every war ever fought, is a combination of ignorance, intolerance, greed, and prejudice. Religion has just historically been an excuse that people have used to legitimize their hate, and to attack each other. Now say, for example, there was either NO religion at all in the world, or that everyone on Earth shared the same religious beliefs. Does anyone seriously think that there wouldn't have been just as many wars? The same people that hate and attack others now over religious differences would have found ANOTHER excuse to hate and attack each other. They would hate each other and go to war over race, or land, or money, or sex. If everyone on Earth was the same race, then the hate and prejudice would boil down to something as simple as eye or hair color. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. It's the ignorance, and the greed, and the intolerance, and right now religion just compounds the problem. It gives people an excuse to say that those feelings of hate and prejudice are justified, because they can just point to a verse in their religious literature! People from both sides (believers and non-believers) need to work together to help end this problem. The believers have a responsibility to tell each other that there is NO excuse to hate or condemn, and that using "God" to justify hate and intolerance is NOT OK. Non-believers need to understand that the problem goes deeper than just "wars are started over religion". If we could all work together to get to the true root of the problem, then we would be able to make such amazing changes in this world.

2016-04-01 10:58:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why would you think these problems are because of evolution or religion? Humans cause their problems and they will use anything they can to justify and to control people to do what they want. Some people want power and to control people (leaders, good and bad). Some (most) people have the need to be controlled (they follow) and the leaders will find whatever they need to get their followers and use them however they like.

In all cases anything that could be used to get a group of people to do something they have been used for good and evil, so it isn't as much of what idea is being used, but simply the fact that people believe in it enough so that they can be controlled with it. If you want to control someone that strongly believes in religion you don't use evolution. And opposite is true.

P.S. Is evolution a religion? Is science a religion? I have certainly seen both used as such.

And to answer your last question, no wars are the fault of man and nothing else.

2007-06-21 20:13:22 · answer #3 · answered by Bulk O 5 · 0 0

I would say, in some cases, evolution and racism were the cause of some wars, but politics and religion also played a part in some wars... The Inquisitions and Crusades had to to do with religion.... the Archduke of Ferdinand was assassinated for political reasons, igniting WWI. Racism is the cause of some of the strife in Africa and, in earlier times in America, cause of slavery and lack of civil rights.

So, I believe, there is more than one underlying reason for wars.

Your point is well thought out and well taken.

2007-06-21 18:03:18 · answer #4 · answered by Eskimo Hammer 4 · 0 0

Hahaha, holy mother of... Evolution and science are surely the cause of many wars. But religion has also played a role in a lot of wars. Not all wars, but many. To put the blame of all wars on Evolution is absurd, as is putting the blame of all wars on religion. Bottom line is: people fight. Period. Disagreements arise based on politics, religious ideologies, economics, etc. Honestly, you've bitten off more than you can chew with this argument and it makes you look a bit foolish.

2007-06-21 15:52:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

So would you say by definition that evolution is in itself kind of a religion? The religion of the belief in the power of people? Just one more fight.

I don't think anyone who is truly faithful to God is a fighter. God is peace. I think it is those who are superficial spiritually who are fighters.

2007-06-21 18:13:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not. It's the fault of selfish, ignorant, and racist PEOPLE. Neither God, nor Darwin, -had anything to do with it. Afterall, it's sooo much easier to blame someone ELSE for "Leading us astray..."- than it is for taking responsibility for our OWN actions.

2007-06-21 15:52:24 · answer #7 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 3 0

I wish I could give a thumbs down to this question, or even a negative star would work.

2007-06-21 19:39:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK let's stop learning about evolution and science all together. Would that make you happy?

2007-06-21 17:32:15 · answer #9 · answered by khard 6 · 2 0

I would just take a glance at the Middle East.

2007-06-21 15:44:22 · answer #10 · answered by Caitlin (: 2 · 3 0

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