light travels at 670,616,629.384 miles per hour so in theory if we build a wall in a circle with a radius of that distance or to scale it down/60 then 60 again to give us 19615.7304 to give us miles per second we in theory we coud run around this wall in one second at the speed of light , correct? but if we then reduce the wall by a factor of 1000 it leave us with a circumference of 19.6157, meaning we would then have to travel the wall at a speed of 60000 revs a minute from center to travel at the same speed on the wall , the speed of light if we then / by pye we get a radius for this circular wall of 6.2341 a bit easier to visualise. if at dead center we have a laser shining vertically on to a prism which reflects the beam to the wall and the laser is then spun at 60,000 revs a minut , the licht dot on the wall will then race around the wall at the speed of light,correct? my question is what happens ot the light dot if the speed is increased by a small amount,,,, a timewarp?
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