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Physics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics Physics

A heavy-duty stapling gun uses a 0.184-kg metal rod that rams against the staple to eject it. The rod is pushed by a stiff spring called a "ram spring" (k = 36352 N/m). The mass of this spring may be ignored. Squeezing the handle of the gun first compresses the ram spring by 3.5 10-2m from its unstrained length and then releases it. Assuming that the ram spring is oriented vertically and is still compressed by 1.4 10-2m when the downward-moving ram hits the staple, find the speed of the ram at the instant of contact.
___________ m/s

help would be appreciated, even if you can just get me started in the right direction.

2007-01-04 09:44:19 · 2 answers · asked by lifewithgooli 1

jamie and susan are carying 10kg boxes to a truck. the back of the truck is 1.5 meters off the ground. jamie lifs the box straight up and puts it in the truck.susan drags her box up a frictionless 10m long ramp. how much force does jamie have to lift with? how much force does susan have to pull with?

plez help i am haveing trouble with this prob... if you can solve it plez show a little work

2007-01-04 09:42:50 · 2 answers · asked by agg1230 1

Imagine person A and person B are looking at a clock several light years away. They both have a stopwatch in hand and start it at the same time. Person B goes toward the clock at an extremely high velocity. He is going to see the clock change before person A becuase the light waves will reach him first. Eventually person B will see the clock read several minutes ahead of what person A reads it. If they both look at their stopwatches the same amount of time has elapsed. So it seems to person B that the things he observes are moving faster then what person A observes. Time IS relative and not absolute.

Is this an OK explanation or am I way off in my logic?

2007-01-04 09:41:30 · 5 answers · asked by E 5

given that light is not a single beam but a firing of photons making up a beami have been told that the light hits the wall at specific places much like machine gun bullets and not dragged along the surface llike a continuos beam but then again is anything solid??? everything is made up of atoms at a molecular level held together with??? natures glue lol , then is that argument relativeas a photon in itself has a size and if a beam is made up with lots of these then if they touch then this becomes a continuos beam which can be distorted or bent much like light lol, but if there is little gaps in between these photons then what happens to these spaces and are they complete darknemss as light is not there.....

2007-01-04 09:37:32 · 8 answers · asked by fragmaster3sum 2

light travels at 670,616,629.384 miles per hour so in theory if we build a wall in a circle with a radius of that distance or to scale it down/60 then 60 again to give us 19615.7304 to give us miles per second we in theory we coud run around this wall in one second at the speed of light , correct? but if we then reduce the wall by a factor of 1000 it leave us with a circumference of 19.6157, meaning we would then have to travel the wall at a speed of 60000 revs a minute from center to travel at the same speed on the wall , the speed of light if we then / by pye we get a radius for this circular wall of 6.2341 a bit easier to visualise. if at dead center we have a laser shining vertically on to a prism which reflects the beam to the wall and the laser is then spun at 60,000 revs a minut , the licht dot on the wall will then race around the wall at the speed of light,correct? my question is what happens ot the light dot if the speed is increased by a small amount,,,, a timewarp?

2007-01-04 09:29:32 · 8 answers · asked by fragmaster3sum 2

(Universal Gravity and Satellite Orbits)

___ meters

2007-01-04 08:57:02 · 2 answers · asked by Khoi 1

I am doing a science project about boiling liquids in different temperatures. And so part of my conclusion is figuring out why coke boils faster than any other liquids? Is it because its carbonic or acidic, etc. Help me please!!!

2007-01-04 08:50:44 · 3 answers · asked by dementor012 3

2007-01-04 08:38:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 08:33:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a meter stick balanced with the support at the 52.6 cm mark, a .2 kg at the 10 cm mark, a .1 kg at the 50 cm mark, and a .2 kg at the 98 cm mark.

We found the Tcc to be 88.49 N*cm and the Tc to be 88.98 N*cm by finding the distances each weight (including the weight of .943 N for the meterstick) was from the 52.6 cm support and multiplying that distance by each weight. These came out approximately equal as predicted.

Now, we are supposed to make the pivot point at 0 cm and show that the pivot point location is arbitrary. So, I added each (force*distance) (10*1.96)+(50*.98)+ (50*.941)+(98 *1.96) and got 307.73 cm . Supposedly the forces add up to the same?? What am I missing here with the 0 pivot point stuff??? 88.49+88.98 do not equal 307.73, so what am I doing wrong at this step?

2007-01-04 08:03:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

How high will a .325 kg rock go if thrown up by 115 J of work done on it?


2007-01-04 07:51:33 · 2 answers · asked by pmwschoolstore 1

If the KE of an arrow is quadrupled, by what factor has its speed increased? Also if the speed is tripled, by what factor does its KE increase?

2007-01-04 07:37:35 · 1 answers · asked by gracelikerain 2

i'm looking for v pet star_einstein the pallparriot.wvx can anyone tell me where i can find it on the web

2007-01-04 07:36:44 · 1 answers · asked by Robert8883 S 1

can anybody tell me where i can find a table that show the relation between viscosity and temperature? like a site maybe? thank you

2007-01-04 07:34:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am doing an exit project. I would like to know how water is magnetized. My science teacher doesn't know and would also like to find out, I'm sure. If you know how to, it would be a great help if you helped me. Thanks!

2007-01-04 07:32:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are these particles only mathematical conjecture? Are they the only way we have to make mathematical sense of the phenomenon we see in microscopic world?

2007-01-04 06:49:20 · 3 answers · asked by Spencer B 2

I would like to know the specifics per particle.

2007-01-04 06:43:58 · 4 answers · asked by Spencer B 2

If for instance, the speed of the wind doubles will the force it exerts on - say - a tree or a wind turbine blade or a building simply double or increase by some other factor eg the square of the speed?

2007-01-04 06:38:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 05:47:44 · 1 answers · asked by karbasi123 1

2007-01-04 05:43:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 05:34:12 · 6 answers · asked by luke l 1

To measure the static friction coefficient between a 2.0-kg block and a vertical wall, the setup shown in the drawing is used. A spring (spring constant = 475N/m) is attached to the block. Someone pushes on the end of the spring in a direction perpendicular to the wall until the block does not slip downward. If the spring in such a setup is compressed by 0.049m, what is the coefficient of static friction?

2007-01-04 05:22:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was thinking that one of the main reasons why air has such a high resistance to electric flow is because its molecules are so far apart (gas), but what if you were to compress it with alot of pressure?

Also while still on the topic of current running through air, once you get arcing to occur through the air, does the resistance dramatically decrease?...like if it takes 1kV to get an electric arc over an inch of air, once you get the arc, could you lower the voltage and still have the arc exist. If yes, by how much?

2007-01-04 05:10:22 · 6 answers · asked by carrotstien 2

i would like 2 no the sites

2007-01-04 04:22:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity states that the speed of light is the same for all reference points no matter what their velocities are relative to each other. For instance, a single photon of light is traveling between points A and B, which are traveling in opposite direction, if light was measured from both points A and B, the result would be the same.

So here's my question: Image two photons, A and B, with the same velocity (same speed and direction):
a) Relative to Photon A, what is the speed of Photon B?
b) Relative to Photon B, what is the speed of Photon A?

2007-01-04 04:19:21 · 12 answers · asked by Simplex Spes 2

2007-01-04 04:16:19 · 14 answers · asked by goring 6

If you are on earth, and there is a planet 2 lightyears away, and you got into a fast buggy and got there in 1 lightyear,could you look back and see youself comming?

2007-01-04 04:13:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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