if it were possible to get inside a beam of light ,in between photons in that little dark area we were talking about what would we see if we looked forwards in the direction of the firing protons. we no if i proton is fired of in the direction of our eye we will see light as light travels forwards my question in simplified terms is" what does the rear of a photon look like , surely it does not emmit light? as light goes forward, because if it does then this in itself prooves that light relects of light and it would then hit the photon behind it and relect forward again giving the illusion on infinity like two mirrors proped facing each other the relections would go on for ever and this is the reason that it doesnt bounce out the sides but stayr in a beam because it only reflects perfectly in the opposit direction that it is fired thus containing itself and kept on its trajectory fowards, when in actual fact they move backwards just as far as forwards but with a forwards momentum
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