Guys look in nuclear fission involves in breaking of a heavier nucleus into lighter nuclei and in doing this the binding energy of nucleus is lost and hence enormous amount of energy is lost and i can understand that, but in nuclear fusion two or more nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus and hence the binding energy should be acquired but rather its released, howcome this happens and i know that nuclear reactions occur in stars and the temperature required for the reaction is found to be of order 10 power 6 and during the beggining of formation of star, how did it attain that high temperature and it is easy to understand high temp. of stars coz of the energy released during fusion, however it is and one more doubt give me an example of fissile material apart from Uranium - 235 and 100% to points for the best answer. Thanks for answering if answered and hope for good answers coz i wud like to understand the subject.
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