If I may be blunt, many if not all of the theories of physics are incorrect. This is just my opinion, and let me explain why.For example,in Einstein's theory of relativity E=MC(squared), time(in C) is factored in as a constant. But in my opinion, time is a psychological state and a reference point invented by man. By this, we think linearly (past, present, and future). In essence our state (body) is always in the present. It is just our minds that function that way. One thing is certain, the earth orbits the sun and rotate onto itself.Our cells also divide and we age (givin us a sense of time and passage). I believe that it is erroneous to sum up the universe in mathematical terms as we are the fishes in the fishbowl. We would have to be the creator(or outside observer) to fully understand the true nature and function of the universe. The world is made to suit the observers, by this I meen: we perceive our environment with our senses. Who knows what lies beyond our perceptions?
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