Calculate the concentration of Fe, in ppm, in a solution prepared by dissolving 173.2mg of ferrous ammonium sulfate (392.143 g/mol) in water and diluting to volume in a 500mL volumetric flask. Calculate the ppm Fe in a solution prepared by diluting 5.00 mL of this solution to 100mL.
First, I calculated ppm of ferrous ammonium sulfate and got 346.4 ppm. Second, I calculated %Fe in ferrous ammonium sulfate and multipled that by the ppm in step one and got 49.3 ppm Fe.
For the second part I multiplied 49.3 ppm Fe x 0.005L to get how many mg of Fe is in 5mL and got 0.247. Next, I divided this value by 0.100 to show the ppm in 100mL and got 2.47 ppm Fe.
Is this right?
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