You choose to "refute" the abundant evidence supporting the theory of evolution, now "refute" this.
Humans and primates are among the very few species who have lost the ability to make vitamin C within our bodies. In the case of humans and primates, it is due to a defective gene which encodes l-gulonolactone oxidase, a enzyme necessary in the synthesis of vitamin C from glucose. However, three other enzymes are involved in vitamin C synthesis, and we have all three. The first three steps of vitamin C synthesis occur in the human liver, but the synthesis stops at the fourth step. What is the point of the human liver performing the first three steps, if the process is never completed? From a design perspective, there is no point. It can only mean that we are descended from ancestors in whom the gene for l-gulonolactone oxidase was not defective, ancestors who were genetically different from us. Now "refute" that.
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