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You choose to "refute" the abundant evidence supporting the theory of evolution, now "refute" this.

Humans and primates are among the very few species who have lost the ability to make vitamin C within our bodies. In the case of humans and primates, it is due to a defective gene which encodes l-gulonolactone oxidase, a enzyme necessary in the synthesis of vitamin C from glucose. However, three other enzymes are involved in vitamin C synthesis, and we have all three. The first three steps of vitamin C synthesis occur in the human liver, but the synthesis stops at the fourth step. What is the point of the human liver performing the first three steps, if the process is never completed? From a design perspective, there is no point. It can only mean that we are descended from ancestors in whom the gene for l-gulonolactone oxidase was not defective, ancestors who were genetically different from us. Now "refute" that.

2007-06-01 17:14:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Biology

Listen, kids. God and evolution are not mutually exclusive. I believe in the Creator, and I also believe that the Creator made a universe in which evolution can occur. If you can't understand science, I guess the Bible provides the kind of simple answers you can understand.

2007-06-01 17:34:29 · update #1

14 answers

No, I think evolution is a reasonable theory.

The Catholic Church does not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. Catholics believe the book of Genesis tells religious truth and not necessarily historical fact.

One of the religious truths is that God created everything and declared all was good.

Catholics can believe in the theory of evolution. Or not. The Church does not require belief in evolution.

On August 12, 1950 Pope Pius XII said in his encyclical Humani generis:

The Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.

Here is the complete encyclical: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/pius_xii/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_12081950_humani-generis_en.html

The Church supports science in the discovery of God's creation. At this time, the theory of evolution is the most logical scientific explanation. However tomorrow someone may come up with a better idea.

As long as we believe that God started the whole thing, both the Bible and modern science can live in harmony.

With love in Christ.

2007-06-03 17:03:57 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

Thanks, I must remember that one. It is another example of vestigial processes; although this time, it is a chemical cascade, rather than an appendix or coccyx.
Now here is a vexing question - for it to have persisted after it's initial introduction as a mutation, it must have conferred an advantage.
What is that advantage?

Edit: to jonmcn49 : agreed that in some ways, it is a disadvantage, but what I meant was, overall, it must have been advantageous, it seems that many of its functions are carried out by uric acid, which has the added advantages of waste elimination, so this may be it, at least in part. There is no need to make our own, due to its ready availability in food, and some of its functions are replaced with another acid which has added functions, possibly at a lower energy cost, so the mutation is retained, and confers an energy advantage. ?????

Sometimes I envy Creationists. Their answers are so simple.
Wrong, but simple.

2007-06-02 00:45:23 · answer #2 · answered by Labsci 7 · 3 0

Labsci. Actually, it conferred a disadvantage, but not enough to off set the reproductive success of the organism. Remember, my friend, what the basic advantage of adaption is; reproductive success. Some people carry recessives that kill them in later life, but the have replicated successfully, while conferring those recessives on to progeny. Thus, as Leslie Orgel says, " evolution is cleverer than you ".

PS Sir read a lot. Yes, I was reading that the other day. It reminds me of the human fusing of chromosomes; 46, down from the other great ape number of 48. They find fused telelomere packed in the CENTER of our recently ( relatively ) fused chromosome. The creationists do not understand this; hence total ignorance.

2007-06-02 01:15:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Humans can go on and on arguing scientifically Scientists say that science shouldn't be mixed with faith, like believing there is an intelligent designer who created us with detail and a purpose. However, evolution itself has faith in it. There are no fossils proving the in between link between primates and humans, plus there is the Cambrian Explosian. That's the 'explosion' of fossils FULLY formed all of a sudden. Even though u have a good point, what if that's the way that intelligent designer wanted to create us? Do you really think you are a random piece of junk? I don't think so. You are an individual person, with freedom of choice in fact. You can believe in whatever you want. I do not believe I was formed from cells that so happened to become life after a few hundred thousand million years. Like if I throw pieces of a computer into a box and wait a billion years, will it be fully assembled and full of life? I'm just sayin. Think about what u wanna believe. Research into it.

2007-06-02 00:30:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Evolution is no lie. Many ways to prove it. BESIDES this is science not religion here people go back to religion area. For example how do explain neandethaws, evolved primates but not yet as adavance as us. It is believe when humans started hunting fish we started to devolpe are minds.

2007-06-02 00:39:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It reads to me that you may support Alien tampering.Study Phantom DNA messaging.Intelligent bacteria form the custodial environment for DNA to change simple neuron coding threw phase conjugation.We are talking primordial muck that observes consciousness intermittently

2007-06-02 00:35:55 · answer #6 · answered by stratoframe 5 · 0 0

Anyone who thinks evolution didn't occur is full of ****.

No, people are not special. Yes, we evolved randomly, in a sense, since the events that occurred to cause us to evolve in the direction humanity has evolved in are essentially random. However, is it not beautiful that such a creature evolved purely by chance?

There is evidence, down to the MOLECULAR level, and down to the ATOMIC level, that evolution happened.

2007-06-02 11:08:56 · answer #7 · answered by Katharine D 2 · 2 1

Oh for pete's sake. Can't you just let the evolution theory alone! I want to be descended by Aliens from another world! Now that's more interesting. And, when we find out it's true, I want to know how they were created? And, then how their ancestors were created! Get the idea!

As for creation. Maybe god was having a good day watching chimpanzees and decided he'd create another animal who was just as funny! Humans.

But honestly, why can't evolution and creationism go hand in hand? Why do we have to interpret an unseen original text as stating everything happened in 6 days? Maybe our idea of time and the original prophet's idea of time, differed.

2007-06-02 00:25:55 · answer #8 · answered by Gina F 3 · 1 4

...because god is punishing us?

sorry, i couldn't help myself...now im feeling sad about how much i didn't pay attention in my biochemistry courses. thanks =\

but "thumbs up" for how you reconcile science and religion. that was kinda nice.

(um, btw i'm not a bible thumper...just so you know, i was trying to be funny. my humor tends to not translate well in text)

2007-06-02 00:56:46 · answer #9 · answered by Extra Ordinary 6 · 2 0

how can u prove that? prove to me that its true. But, i believe that creation is true God created everything the birds of the air everything. Darwin he just made up all these things because he doesn't want to prove that creation is true and God.

2007-06-02 00:28:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

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