For many Christians belief in creationism seems as important as belief in God. I'm amused at their false "proofs" against evolution. Most really believe these silly arguments because it's what they're taught, and they don't challenge their leaders.
A few:
>It's just a theory (so's number theory, so math isn't real?)
>If man evolved from monkeys (wrong) why are there still monkeys?
>No transitional forms or missing links (false, there are many)
>Carbon dating is grossly inaccurate (yet all real scientists trust it?)
>Evolution can't be proven (not if you reject evidence & logic, but yes it can, & has been)
>Evolution should still be ongoing (it is)
>Mathematical improbablity, thermodynamics, the "watch parts in a tumbler" argument (falsely assumes that specific animals were the "goal" of evolution)
>God (or Satan) planted fossels to trick us (why?)
>Man's made in God's image & God's not a monkey (just dumb)
>Evolution is a religion (nope!)
So what are your favorites?
7 answers
asked by
Don P