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Astronomy & Space - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

2007-11-11 03:13:00 · 7 answers · asked by James P 1

Enforce this treaty from someone who if they had enough capital and/or resources claimed the Moon or a large peice of Mars?

2007-11-11 03:02:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just purchased a WO megrez 90 refractor. I do not know how to care for the lens and want to keep it in like new condition if I can. The other night I was observing with it and dew formed on the objective lens. What is the best thing for me to do when this happens? Can a dew buster be used on refractors? If I have to clean lens what is the best way to do it?

2007-11-11 02:30:46 · 6 answers · asked by comethunter 3

Youtube video of the French version of "Who wants to be a millionaire" where a contestant cannot answer this and has to ask the audience. Surprising response.

2007-11-11 01:09:23 · 4 answers · asked by paul h 7

2007-11-11 00:57:19 · 7 answers · asked by Hadiza H 1

According to many prophets going back centuries this is the day the world will change...or end. The new book found that they believe to be the work of Nostradamus says this is the day the sun, earth and exact center of the milky way will align. Something that only happens every 15,000 years (its been 14,995 apparentley) sunrise on Winter Soltice is that time. Edgar Cayce believed there would be an alignment of the solar system that would shift the world on it's axis, causing the oceans to move, Japan to fall into the ocean and the Great Lakes to empty into the Gulf of Mexico, The Hopi Indians also believe the end is near and don't forget the Mayans. They predicted it first, the Mayan calander stops at December 21st 2012. So sunrise on 12-21-12 I'll be in front of a roaring fire, roasting marshmallows for my s'mores, drinking hot chocolate with baileys in it! Ahhhh, I can hardly wait! What do you think will happen (if anything) on December 21st 2012????

2007-11-11 00:36:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you do, were they created by separate big bangs or just one very big bang...and is it possible that one may switch through these universes by distorting time and space?

Sorry if it may sound stupid, I'm just a high school student so go easy

2007-11-11 00:15:52 · 7 answers · asked by bv 2

I mean, I'm wondering why the Big Bang happened. Steady State pretty much thinks that the universe has and always be there but the Big Bang theory is different: It leaves out possibility for theistic creation...

2007-11-10 23:53:40 · 15 answers · asked by bv 2

2007-11-10 21:51:27 · 15 answers · asked by . 7

If it is more ificcient to produce electricity in space from solar panels, would it be posible to have a geo stationary satalite to send the electricity down to earth in a long cable. Could this solve the worlds energy needs.

2007-11-10 20:31:58 · 9 answers · asked by spike 5

i would need positive proof either way

2007-11-10 20:31:35 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-10 19:23:14 · 1 answers · asked by lost! 1

I dont believe that we landed on the moon. It was staged. What is your oppinion??

2007-11-10 19:10:19 · 16 answers · asked by prophetofzion07 1

When the first 2 guys invented the Airplane they have reported UFO's a flying space craft. Ppl have been reporting UFO's for many years. For example US governement knows alot of stuff about UFO's but for some reason they don't want to tell anyone about why is that ? Were not the only ones in space im sure alot of life exists in space. There have been reports by Neal Armstrong the Apalo pilot he has reported one time " Some object has been fallowing there craft while there were falying to the moon and many more reports have been made by NASA. Now days NASA is keeping everything to secret for some reason. Mexico is one of the major Hot spots of UFO's but for some reason are governemt is not telling us about it. Sorry for my bad English im Russian i been living in US for 1 year now. So why dont US tell us about allience and UFO's ?

2007-11-10 18:24:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you filled a balloon with enough helium, would it eventually pass right through our atmosphere and into space?

2007-11-10 17:42:04 · 10 answers · asked by poohntao 2

Because if you tell someone to think of nothing (like before the universe was formed) they'll probably think of blackness, but blackness IS something, so what would be nothing?

2007-11-10 17:40:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, how?

2007-11-10 17:04:35 · 16 answers · asked by MizzyMac 2

2007-11-10 17:03:30 · 19 answers · asked by CAring Dude 2

That we don't think there is a POSSIBILITY of other intelligent life? I mean really?! do you not think that SOMEwhere in this infinite universe there arent dozens more planets either WITH the same conditions as Earth or with Life that has adapted to other conditions? Whether you believe in God creating the universe, The Big Bang, or any other unprovable theory, WHY is it so impossible that :

A. The "God" That created everything and knows all could NEVER have been able to make 2-3+ other planets full of life

B. The same type of "bang" Could have occured in the billions of years Earth has been here

C. we aren't the FIRST people to ever exist.

So many people laugh when the phrase "intelligent life" appears, but really...is it that far off?
I'm not saying I'm searchin the skys for some bug-eyed green thing to jump out at me, I just don't understand why people don't keep their minds open to entertain the possibility that the universe -literally- doesn't revolve around us..

2007-11-10 16:53:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-10 16:37:00 · 6 answers · asked by MizzyMac 2

Like if you were in a spaceship.

2007-11-10 16:29:26 · 16 answers · asked by Darth Nihilus 5

how large can an object in the universe get? can it get large enough to create the big bang before collapsing? how big was the object that created the black hole in the middle of are galaxy? is that large enough to explain the backround radiation that is from "A" big bang?

2007-11-10 16:19:20 · 7 answers · asked by lemzia 1

Is it like when you flash a light into a black hole you can't see the light? Or what lol? I don't even know if I understand my own question! And what is a black hole is it a rip in the universe?

2007-11-10 15:59:41 · 7 answers · asked by Celeritas 5

with all the satlites in space if they just somehow stopped working and moving and came crashing towards earth we would be dead. Insted of the whole astroid thing us humans killed ourselves because of these satlites. Is there something upthere that would stop it or what?

2007-11-10 15:51:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a scorpio with a Moon in Aquarius 12th house square pluto in scorpio in the 8th house....My Sun in scorpio is also conjunct pluto in scorpoio and square my moon...

2007-11-10 15:45:00 · 4 answers · asked by jeremyzspoken11 1

He is omnipotent (all powerful). Astronomical data says universe began 13.7 billion years ago; earth was not formed unitl 4.5 billion years ago. Why would God wait 9.2 billions years after creating the universe to create earth? And, waited another 4.5 billion years to create humans, if we are really God's untimate reason for creating the universe? Anyone have any answers? He must have had a reason.

2007-11-10 15:38:21 · 22 answers · asked by ZORRO 3

Neutron stars are amazing. They are the matter at its extremest state.

But, how do they get their energy? Do they convert the neutrons into energy? Or is this just energy stored from the supernova of the big star that the neutron star came from?

They have to have a source of energy somehow, otherwise, you wouldn't get things like magnetars.

2007-11-10 15:26:42 · 6 answers · asked by ch_ris_l 5

I know the idea behind the theory, but what was there before the universe started?

2007-11-10 15:16:03 · 14 answers · asked by Darth Nihilus 5

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