According to many prophets going back centuries this is the day the world will change...or end. The new book found that they believe to be the work of Nostradamus says this is the day the sun, earth and exact center of the milky way will align. Something that only happens every 15,000 years (its been 14,995 apparentley) sunrise on Winter Soltice is that time. Edgar Cayce believed there would be an alignment of the solar system that would shift the world on it's axis, causing the oceans to move, Japan to fall into the ocean and the Great Lakes to empty into the Gulf of Mexico, The Hopi Indians also believe the end is near and don't forget the Mayans. They predicted it first, the Mayan calander stops at December 21st 2012. So sunrise on 12-21-12 I'll be in front of a roaring fire, roasting marshmallows for my s'mores, drinking hot chocolate with baileys in it! Ahhhh, I can hardly wait! What do you think will happen (if anything) on December 21st 2012????
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