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Science & Mathematics - 4 October 2007

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y=3u^2+2u, u=4x

2007-10-04 05:53:39 · 6 answers · asked by clove88 2 in Mathematics

it has 2 be on an 11th grade level and it has 2 be science related (of course) but i ddnt kno wat it should be about i have thought of hurricanes and tornados but i want something better

2007-10-04 05:52:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weather

I know this might sound like a dumb question but I was wondering why some religious people reject the fact that the earth is millions of years old and I would like to know if the science behind this is compelling enough to put it beyond reasonable doubt.

2007-10-04 05:48:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

Note* the letters DO NOT eqaul their postion in the numeric alphabet. The letters DO NOT correspond with Rozing's Santax Multiplication of Alphabets

If A and Y equal H.
And twice B plus half of Y equal U.
And L times V minus W is A.
And A is greater then the product of L times 2 plus B, (U), X, M, V, F or (T).

T + U + ___ = (-) [W]

2007-10-04 05:47:46 · 3 answers · asked by joie_333 2 in Mathematics

What is the cross product of the cross product of the dot product of the vectors a = <3,4,5> and b = <5, 6, 7>?

What does it geometrically mean?

2007-10-04 05:46:03 · 4 answers · asked by Axis Flip 3 in Mathematics

It's probably obvious but I can't find the exact answer anywhere. All help appreciated.

2007-10-04 05:38:09 · 2 answers · asked by Ethereal 4 in Chemistry

from the point on the ground directly below the edge of the platform, what is the height of the platform? Thank you

2007-10-04 05:37:16 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

http://moriachik.deviantart.com/art/Schematic-for-Project-66482123 That's a picture of my basic idea. The two nonmetal and metal surfaces would touch when folded along the line. Would it work... Theoretically?

2007-10-04 05:37:13 · 4 answers · asked by Mo 4 in Engineering

incline at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. It then goes down a 15.0 m ramp with an incline of 40 degrees to the horizontal. When the roller coaster has reached the bottom of the ramp, what is its displacement from its starting point? Thank you

2007-10-04 05:35:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

For this problem he wanted us to find the formula that gives the speed of the block as a function of spring displacement. In other words.. v=v(x)where 0
A block of mass 0.80 kg is given an initial velocity v=1.2m/s to the right along a frictionless surface and collides with a spring of negligible mass and spring constant k=50 N/m . [Note. The spring is uncompressed until the block collides with it.]

the initial energy was .576 J
the final energy was the same.
The maximum x value was calculated to be x=.152 m.

2007-10-04 05:34:35 · 1 answers · asked by jack86 1 in Physics

Why do you need to use "excess" Benedict's reagent if you want to get an idea of the concentration of a sugar solution?
And how could you use the Benedict's test to estimate the concentration of a solution of a reducing sugar?

2007-10-04 05:33:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

How much longer does the run take if the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.17 instead of 0?

I found the time for 0, but don't know how to change the formula for kinetic friction.

2007-10-04 05:33:32 · 1 answers · asked by lilrnblover86 4 in Physics

a continuous constant acceleration of .75 m/s squared in the -y direction. What is the position of the particle 4.0 seconds later? Thank you

2007-10-04 05:33:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I want to look out across the the bay for whales? etc. from my deck. Would a spotting scope be preferable for this? Which model?

2007-10-04 05:27:11 · 8 answers · asked by kim 7 in Astronomy & Space

will it be another continent?

2007-10-04 05:26:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

look back over the years and years of science and what has it shown us?It has shown us that one persons idea or belief or experience could become a proven fact.History is filled with a persons belief in a idea that was brought into reality.from electricity to flight to walking on the moon the list goes on . who we are what we have was based on a persons belief in his idea's And his world was filled with skeptics who ridiculed him for his belief.It is hard to believe that we as a whole Have not learned a thing. Is it so hard to accept that just because we cannot see it ,or hear it that something cannot exist? Why can't we embrace the fact that there are people who are acting on a belief in something to prove or disprove the the existance of the paranormal using science and technology.I would ask that if a person has never researched or investigated the paranormal don't be so quick to judge those who have.Keep an open mind.Is one persons idea that hard to believe?

2007-10-04 05:26:13 · 14 answers · asked by Ron F 4 in Paranormal Phenomena

a 563-mg sample containing only CaCO3 (100.1 mg/mmol) and SrCO3 (147.6 mg/mmol) is dissolved in an acid; Na2C2O4 is added to precipitate CaC2O4 (128.1 mg/mmol) and SrC2O4 (175.6 mg/mmol). The oxalate precipitate is filtered and dried to yield 703 mg of the anhydrous mixed oxalates. Calculate the percentages of CaCO3 and SrCO3 in the mixture. Show ALL your work!!

2007-10-04 05:25:21 · 3 answers · asked by macjack 1 in Chemistry

The differnece of twice a number and 16
is equal to the quotient of three times the number and 8

never really understood it please help

2007-10-04 05:24:55 · 5 answers · asked by Yesenia 1 in Mathematics

through what potential difference would an electron need to be accelerated for it to achieve a speed of 3% of the speed of light (2.99792 * 10^8 m/s), starting from rest? an answer in units of V.

2007-10-04 05:24:24 · 1 answers · asked by Jack 1 in Physics

two people standing 10 feet apart are holding opposite ends of a jump rope. The height of the jump rope x feet from the person on left is given by:
h(x,t)=3+3sin ((pi/10)*x) cos(2pi*t)

give a practical interpretation of each of the following quantities:
a) h(5,2)-h(0,2)
b) h(5,2)-h(5,0)

2007-10-04 05:22:54 · 1 answers · asked by Nomad 1 in Mathematics

1. What is the name given to acids?

2. What is the most common indicator that is used to determine if a substance is an acid or base?

3. What are compounds that taste bitter and feel slippery? Soaps, detergents, and shampoo are common examples.

4. What is the name given to bases?

5. What are compounds that taste sour and react with metal? Common examples are hydrochloric and sulfuric.

2007-10-04 05:18:10 · 2 answers · asked by V.S. 2 in Chemistry

3000 cal.
27000 cal.
135000 calories.
270000 calories

2007-10-04 05:16:28 · 2 answers · asked by thugluvn20 1 in Physics

2007-10-04 05:16:19 · 5 answers · asked by ? 6 in Botany

can you solve:
y=x^2 + 1

thank you

p.s. can you show how it was done?

2007-10-04 05:14:01 · 8 answers · asked by Twista-Adzy 2 in Mathematics

A tennis ball rolls off the edge of a tabletop of height 0.770m above the floor and strikes the floor at a point a horizontal distance 1.50m from the edge of the table. You can ignore air resistance. Find the magnitude of the initial velocity.

2007-10-04 05:13:55 · 2 answers · asked by Natiphy2007 1 in Physics

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