I am talking about bipolar mood disorder. I have been diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder for 2 months now. Medicines are greatly working. I am taking Lamictal 50mg and Seroquel 25mg. Adepsir or my anti-depressant was taken already. It would be my first day today without anti-depressant. Well, I feel good! I was in my depression state 2 months ago. My doctor told me this morning that I need not take anti-depressant anymore but I have to maintain Seroquel and Lamictal. For those who have been long in this illness, I would like to ask you on how you could possibly detect that you are in your normal state? For me, as long as I feel happy and people around me seem so important to me and when I value money and relationship then I should say , I am in my normal state.. Please give me your experiences so that I will also be guided on this progress of recovery. I believe we can do it as we share all the things that we have experienced. Remember, there is nothing impossible only if you believe
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beliv u can