That is a tricky but possible situation...on personal accounts I have seen people pass tests but this is usually with a weeks time to detoxify...However within two days might be quite hard to do....The first question you have to ask yourself is "are you fat"? THC stores in fat cells and is released slowly over time through a number of metabolites (around 31 to be exact)...The good news is that for the most common test (an EMIT test) a negative reading is anything under 50ng/ml...Now each drug has a specific time in which it metabolizes, unfortunately the most often used and the most harmless in job situations is Marijuana and it takes the longest to get rid of....
Ignore the people that wrote you responses besides this one because they are wack...especially the haters and the time machine lovers.
1. Exercise frequently...the more the better...the more sweat and fat burned the more toxins excreted from the body...
2. Drink fluids #1 the more fluids the more toxins you can flush...The best is Cranberry juice, coffee ( these are both mild diuretics) but of course water whenever possible can never hurt...
3. if you are going to drink these fluids you need something to replace the normal metabolites and vitamins that are normally excreted through your urine. This is where those herbal remedies do work....These drinks (like Ready Clean...ETC.) contain B vitamins ( which make your pee the normal yellow color which is lost with all the fluid intake) and creatine which is normal to have in the urine but is also flushed. These will avoid you from getting a False Negative due to irregular color or specific density.
#4. Obviusly two days will be tough but the key is to lower the levels of toxins in your urine to a passing level. Now if it is a blood or hair test You are screwed....
Good luck
2007-02-12 15:30:07
answer #1
answered by piecestylin 1
A lot of the ways to "outsmart" the test have been "outsmarted" by them. A few things are to be taken into consideration when using someone else's pee for a drug test:
1) The temperature of the pee can be tested
2) You don't actually know if your friend's pee is clean, either
3) You don't always have a private place to do complicated surreptitious pee-from-condom-into-cup transfers in schools (and I -know- you don't if you are in the military). Nothing is more eerie than a big Army recruiter staring at you while you are trying to pee.
However, there are certain things in your favor:
Urine tests are cheaper than blood tests. And drugs don't last in the urine as they do in the blood. And most drugs aren't detectable more than about a month in the urine with current detection methods. And it costs money to test the temperature of the urine. (What are they going to do... "I'm sorry, this registered as too cold. Please pee again."?) That costs labor, time, and money.
2007-02-11 23:26:26
answer #2
answered by Kilroy 4
i once passed a test with 3 days notice, and i had been using heavily. I drank tons of water and exercised heavily at the time too so that prolly helped. BUt i know why drinking lots of water works. To test positive what they are testing from must be above a certain percentage to test positve. its something like 5 parts per 1000, which leaves little room for sneaking around it, but it leaves some.
Lets think about this...thc is stored in fats cells, so when you body metablises its fat stores thc is released into your bloodstream and into your urin. so theoretically if your body isn't using its fat stores then the thc can't show up. But your body is constantly feeding on itself, and you can't stop it. but you can makeit so your body isn't doing it much. i would reccomend eating high calorie diet before the test and drinking as much water as possible (no exercise before the test, be as lazy as possible). your urine should be close to being clear before the test, but this can be a give away. I would find something to eat/drink that causes your body to purge it quickly like caffine (lots of caffine). Im not say'n this will work for sure but hey its better than nothing right?
2007-02-14 15:52:02
answer #3
answered by Mark B 2
I am currently trying to pass a test myself--look on the web and there are lots of sites that offer advice and products, I am unable to pour so will try a product i purchased, they recommend drinking 2 gal. of water per day, 2-3 days before test at a slow rate which means so much per hour, not all at one time, no exercise, no toxins (even alcohol) and a bland diet (as if you have an ulcer) No dairy, no spicy,etc, If you can pour with a clean source, do it, gender doesnt matter, they cant tell--Best wishes and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
2007-02-12 05:12:04
answer #4
answered by zingarellagirl 1
1.) Build Time Machine
2.) Use Same.
3.) Arrive in past, stop yourself from being a doper in the first place.
2007-02-11 18:50:47
answer #5
answered by Citicop 7
well, first you should probably stop doing drugs
i dont know what kind of test it is but if they arent going to watch you pee, buy some pee from a friend (of the same sex) who doesnt do drugs then put it in a condom and tape it to your leg. then use that pee instead of your own
if they watch you pee, theres not much you can do...if tried most of the herbal remedies and they dont usually work
2007-02-11 18:51:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you don't. stop doing drugs. getting it out of your system takes time.
2007-02-11 18:49:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous