-TEXAS!!! No place like home. Friendly folks, great food, very multicultural, beautiful and diverse scenery. Plus, I love the fact that we can't stand stupid yankees!
-Mississippi: Great scenery, great people, really clean air
-North Carolina: Cool state, lots to offer, breathtaking Appalachians
-Tennessee: Great music heritage
-Wyoming: Can you say "Wide open spaces?"
-Hawaii: A whole different world and culture of its own, truly unique
-Oklahoma: A lot like Texas
Least favorite:
-Ohio: Why, oh why, would ANYONE want to live there?
-Illinois: I can't stand it just b/c of Chicago...seriously
-Oregon: The most racist, closed-minded people I've ever met
-Arkansas: My mother calls it "buttcrack Arkansas." It's so flat
-New Jersey: It freakin' smells like 409.
-Vermont: Closed, cold, arrogant, impolite people
-Kentucky: Surprisingly, it's much like Vermont. People, even in the country, won't acknowledge you even if they know you...I've lived there
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