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Pregnancy - March 2007

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I will be 8 weeks tomorrow and have an ultra sound to verify my due date as last time i was 21 days late. I just pulled out the form from the doc and just noticed it says the exam reason is dating and viability. Does that mean he thinks something may be wrong??

2007-03-05 09:42:07 · 14 answers · asked by rendezvouschik 2

i'm 9mos pregnate. and so big make it impossible. for me to walk to stand. and to sleep at night. im so tired and miserable. [please] any one out there have any..... solution in how can i bring my labor on with out harming my baby..i fear when the time do come. i will be so exaulted. i would'nt be able to perform the strenth i need to even push. any suggestion

2007-03-05 09:32:12 · 13 answers · asked by dark44chocolate 1

I just found out 4 days ago i am pregnant 3.5 months along. I went to the doctors and had my first ultra sound everything is fine baby looks healthy.But while driving home yesterday i felt sick and dizzy i thought i was going to throw up so i pulled over.I woke up 15 min later with a bad headache and the front of my car was slightly dented.I feel fine now and have another doctors appointment tommorow.Any ideas on what this could be?

2007-03-05 09:30:25 · 13 answers · asked by Melrose G 1

the last week and a half. I had some of these symptoms with my daughter. So, I am not sure if I could be pregnant or not. I took a test but, it was neg. I am sure its too early to tell. Should I take off the patch? I mean I just don't know what to do. I have been having lots of morning sickness (nausea) if you have any advice let me know thanks.

2007-03-05 09:30:14 · 7 answers · asked by lorakay71 2

I keep thinking to myself it is going to have down syndrome or cerebral palsy or FAS (Fetal alcohol syndrome) something very wrong. is it normal to worry about things like this?

2007-03-05 09:26:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I had my first child my in laws ( who made it clear they thought my husband and I shouldn't have children as he had debts from his previous marriage) weren't very happy. Then when the baby was born, and they saw pictures they were thrilled and tried to be involved in her life as much as possible from a distance (they live in PA, we live in TX). My husband borrowed money from my in laws to pay off something that came back from the past with his ex wife...also we had previously had slight marital problems to which they told him to take our daughter and leave me, we worked things out but the in laws still dislike me. I know they think we're not ready financially or maritally for a new baby. Now I'm pregnant again, and he is afraid to tell them because of what they might say. I want my kids to have a happy childhood complete with their grandparents included. should we tell them , or just leave them out of it?

2007-03-05 09:26:55 · 6 answers · asked by Jennah C 1

my last period was jan 29 it is now march 5. i never skip a month. my cycle is usally between 28 days-34 days. im getting the cramping and my back is killing me and chest is sore.and also around feb 20 i had very very light spotting it only lasted for a day only when i wiped i noticed it. now my question is should i test now or wait another couple days.

2007-03-05 09:22:18 · 14 answers · asked by mommy2brandon14212 2

like there are ways to put yourself in labor, can you do the same for getting your little one to drop? I am sooooo tired of not being able to breathe and im uncomfortable all the time with him in my ribs. Im 37 weeks today!

2007-03-05 09:18:54 · 4 answers · asked by militarychick03 2


My last period was February 2, 2007. I have been TTC since November 2006. Previously on the pill. My period is late, but I am having period like cramps without the visitor. I could have swore Friday night that by Saturday, I was going to start. I took a test on Sunday and it said Negative. I've been experiencing headaches, abnormal moodiness, a runny nose, and some white odorless discharge. I think I might be pregnant, but I'm going to wait another few days before testing. Does anyone have advice/experience that they would like to share? Thanks for your time!

2007-03-05 09:17:24 · 10 answers · asked by queenofkings2525 3

how did your son/daughter go about telling you that they were going to have a baby? i am 19, and my antibiotics interfered with my birthcontrol, i messed up big and i am scared out of my mind, espescially on how to go about telling my father. i am not asking for a lecture, i have played all of it in my mind already. i am just asking for some friendly advice on how to be open and honest with my parents. please no horrible lectures on how young i am, i know already, i've thought about it myself.

2007-03-05 09:17:19 · 15 answers · asked by nuklear16301 2

My husband and I just repainted our bedroom. he had to sand down a few places around our windows and I was in the room while he did this. Our house was built in 1961, and when we moved in we didn't have our paint checked for lead because the lady that lived here before us told us that she didn't know of any lead paint in the house and she had lived here from 1963 on. I did a home lead test on some of the paint chips from our room, and one of the tests turned pink indicating there was lead in the paint. I am 10 weeks pregnant and was 8 weeks pregnant when we redid the room. How concerned should I be for my unborn baby? Should I be tested to see how much lead I was exposed to if any? Thank you.

2007-03-05 09:16:08 · 4 answers · asked by Chelseas 1

I love strawberry Blue Bell Icecream with real strawberry chunks in it .Its the only thing that cures my heartburn. That is my number1 craving

2007-03-05 09:11:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend, thinks she might be pregnant. However, she isn't in a 'relationship' with him, they are just 'friends'.

She believes, that if she is in fact pregnant, that he would be 100% supportive and a good father, and that they might give it a go at being together.

anyway- she isn't sure how to go about telling him. anyone have any 'fun' or 'creative' ways for me to have her tell him?

thanks in advance. :]

2007-03-05 09:10:58 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3

I have felt really healthy and positive throughout my pregnancy ( my first) but in the last day or so have had a bad attack of nerves - panicy, emotional, sweaty and tearful without any specific reason. I feel like I am strapped to a rollercoaster and it is going up that first slope and can't get off.
I have read loads about labour and the birth and been to antenatal classes and I know it is normal to feel up and down. Anyone else feel / have felt like this?? What will get me back on the level again?

2007-03-05 09:06:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Watch my weight? I have gained 17lbs and yes that is allot but I was underweight before I got pregnant. I'm not fat by any means but my doctor told me to watch my weight.

2007-03-05 08:58:00 · 16 answers · asked by MCB 2

I am 15 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Last nigh, I keep feeling this very light thing. I can't say it felt like "butterflies" as everyone has said, it kind of felt more like a very soft tap or even a twitch. Maybe like a bubbly twitch? It keep happening again and again and it was a few inches (about 3-4) below my belly button. I can actually feel my uterus right below my belly button, and everything was happening there. I wasn't gassy, so everything fits the bill, except it did not feel much like "fluttering" to me. What do you ladies think?
This is my first pregnancy, so I'm not sure what to look for and I am asking you more experienced mommies to help me on this!

2007-03-05 08:51:24 · 18 answers · asked by katiesmommy 3

I am currently in CST, but soon I will be traveling to EST. I take my pill everyday at 4 PM CST, so therefore when I travel to EST should I take my pill at 5PM?

I'm pretty sure I would take my pill at 5, but I just want to be sure! Thanks!

2007-03-05 08:49:46 · 6 answers · asked by Angel 1

my doctor told me in first in 7th months

2007-03-05 08:49:13 · 7 answers · asked by dinafathy2003@yahoo.com 1

I am 28 years old, I have a five year old daughter. Before I conceived her I lost a fetus at three months along subsquently I was told I am a- with rh factor. three months after, the dnc because the babys heart quit beating we concieved our little girl. This past october we went through the nightmare again at three months the babys heart quit beating resulting in another dnc. my husband and myself ask multiple times for a rogam shot. Knowing I used an IUD for birth control after our daughter whom is rh neg also was born. soon after having the iud placed in i had a positive pregnacy test and was told you can still concieve with and iud. so after having it removed four years later and conciving we knew we needed a rogam shot and was dienied. today I found out i am pregnant again.
We found a new doctor who ran atigen test which we were not informed existed. I want to know if there is a link in the pregnacys were the babys heart quit beating and rogam not given.

2007-03-05 08:45:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

with lots of pressure. When i get a slight contraction baby is moving alot....Not sure if I should call dr....don't want to go to the hosptail if nothing is going on this is my 3rd child never went through any of these problems before....any suggestions!!!!

2007-03-05 08:40:55 · 9 answers · asked by mommy2be 1

My next appointment is an ultrasound to find out the gender, and I was just wondering if anyone knew of any since I want a girl so bad!!!

2007-03-05 08:40:39 · 23 answers · asked by puzlgrl21 2

Im nearly 29 weeks pregnant. Over the last couple of days i have noticed i feel thirsty all the time. I am drinking water constantly and it doesn't seem to quench my thirst. Im also on the loo peeing every half hour. Im not sure if thisis due to the amount of water im drinking. Is this normal at this stage of pregnancy or should i be worried?

2007-03-05 08:34:12 · 10 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

how far along do you have to be to be a able to hear your baby's heart beat? i bought one and i havent been able to hear my baby's heart beat!!! i can fell my baby move already. i'm 15 1/2 weeks pregnant (with 2nd child). i was wondering if anyone else has used this product and if so what were your results?

2007-03-05 08:33:02 · 11 answers · asked by Happymom 2

or do they have to remove them? And if they remove them , how long after is it if anyone knows? Thank you.

2007-03-05 08:25:51 · 7 answers · asked by Insult_with_respect 2

2007-03-05 08:24:13 · 10 answers · asked by Skittles 2

I have been very tired lately and i have been getting sick to my stomach which i believe might be morning sickness. Then like a month ago i would get weird senses of smell that only i smelt, so i don't know, my partner would tell me and still tells me that i am P and i couldn't believe it but now i think that he is probably right what do you think? and what should i do?

2007-03-05 08:23:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-05 08:22:25 · 10 answers · asked by toolate 3

I am almost 5 weeks along! My husband and I are def. enjoying an active sex life. I am wondering if anyone else gets really bad uterine cramping after they have an orgasm? It just happened earlier today and it really scared me!

2007-03-05 08:22:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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