My last period was February 2, 2007. I have been TTC since November 2006. Previously on the pill. My period is late, but I am having period like cramps without the visitor. I could have swore Friday night that by Saturday, I was going to start. I took a test on Sunday and it said Negative. I've been experiencing headaches, abnormal moodiness, a runny nose, and some white odorless discharge. I think I might be pregnant, but I'm going to wait another few days before testing. Does anyone have advice/experience that they would like to share? Thanks for your time!
10 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
You might have tested too early. Definitely wait a couple more days if no period take another test it should be more accurate. Also Feb. was a short month only 28 days. So on a normal 28 day cycle you would've been due to have period again around March 2nd, March 3rd. It is only the 5th. It might just be late. Maybe you are on 30 day schedule something like that. And sometimes it is normal to be late. It has happened to me a lot. I would say if within the next 2-3 days there is no period, then retest and it should be way more accurate this time. :) Maybe get the first response one. It should detect HCG levels but also detects another pregnancy hormone variant that appears earlier.
Good Luck!
2007-03-06 02:42:54
answer #1
answered by michellekyle12 2
The pregnancy test most likely would have shown positive at this point if you're pregnant. You might just be coming down with a cold -- but cramping in early pregnancy is common, too. Try another test tomorrow or Wednesday and it should tell you for sure. The hormone that the test detects doubles everyday in early pregnancy, so you should have enough for it to detect by then.
2007-03-05 09:24:10
answer #2
answered by shanequinox 5
Well...I had the same situation but I wasn't on the pill and I was cramping but no visitor. So I took a HPT and it was positive 3 days after my expected period. If your test is coming out negative you might not be pregnant, maybe just late. try again ! good luck!
2007-03-05 09:21:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We had been trying to conceive for over a year when I was pregnant. I remember having to fly to NC for a funeral and just feeling like I was "ragging" and worried about accidents on the plane ride. Discharge was defintely thicker and like you described. When we landed no AF, so we tested at the hotel and I was pregnant! I waited about a week after AF to test though. My son was born last July!!
You never know! The only real way to know is taking a test. Good Luck, I hope you get the answer you are looking for!
2007-03-05 09:25:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'd go ahead and wait a few days... to be certain before spending more money..
by my calculations, yes, you would be pregnant, but everyone is different.
I know that with every one of my pregnancies, I'd cramp right around the time I should have started.
Good Luck, I know how it is TTC
2007-03-05 09:23:26
answer #5
answered by Halo Rayn 2
That's what happend to me. I was having cramps really bad, and I was late, but thought it was comming. But when I took the test it came positive right away! I had the headachs too and the white dis.
2007-03-05 09:22:02
answer #6
answered by Candice D 2
Maybe so, maybe no. If second test says negative, see a doctor. You could have some type of infection that is causing your symptoms.
2007-03-05 09:30:41
answer #7
answered by sissyd 4
Go to your doctor and have them do a blood test
2007-03-05 09:52:38
answer #8
answered by ButterFlyAngel 3
go to your doctor. they can do VERY acurate testing.
2007-03-05 09:20:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
im not sure sweetie
2007-03-05 09:20:50
answer #10
answered by ♥Hailey♥ 1