I'm 8 1/2 weeks pregnant with my second child and over the past two days, I've had this strange feeling. Once or twice a day, I get a cramping feeling, usually on the left side. It's not very painful, just a little like right before my period. If I lay down on my left side, it goes away after about 15 minutes. I don't remember this happening the first time, but that was 7 years ago. I already know I have to go on bedrest at 24 weeks because my son was born 9 weeks early and they think the same will happen this time. In the meantime, my doctor has checked me with sonograms and bloodwork every week for the past three weeks since I found out and everything is perfect. I'll see him on Friday and I'll ask then, but wanted to see if it happened to others and if it's a sign this baby will come early too.
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